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How many people have died from swine flu globally

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One report is that the worldwide total based on various reliable sources is 640,392 cases of H1N1 influenza of which 8,050 died. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-many-people-have-died-from-swine-flu-globally ]
More Answers to “How many people have died from swine flu globally
How many people have died from swine flu globally
One report is that the worldwide total based on various reliable sources is 640,392 cases of H1N1 influenza of which 8,050 died.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many people has died from swine flu recently(globally)? 10 points*?
Q: 10 points will be given. 🙂
A: The numbers are in flux at the moment and being down graded because the initial outbreak was put down entirely to H1Ni type A and it has now been found that some deaths were caused by H2N3.But no cause for celebration!!H2N3 belongs to the group of H2 influenza viruses that last infected humans during the 1957 pandemic. Both the current H2N3 and H1N1 strains have a molecular twist: They are composed of avian and swine influenza genes combined with the human virus. Two strains mutating so closely indicate a higher likelihood of bird flu mutating into a human to human transmittable form and if that happens the pandemic will probably have a death toll in the millions!!
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