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What illness does he have

Health related question in topics Celebrities .We found some answers as below for this question “What illness does he have”,you can compare them.

Lesnar’s co-manager, Brian Stegeman, said he does not know whether Lesnar had H1N1; his flu prevents him from competing. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-illness-does-he-have ]
More Answers to “What illness does he have
What illness did he have?
an embolism I believe,in his shoulder
John Nash says Mental Illness is Adaptive. Is he right??
John Nash is a brilliant mathematician. He is the Winner of the Nobel Prize in 1994 for his pioneering work on Game Theory. As now everybody knows- he suffers with Schizophrenia- as documented film- A Beautiful Mind. While he mathematical g…
Did giles corey have any kind of illness when he died??
pretty sure he didn’t, he was pressed to death by large stones

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Q: My friend is a bit odd atm.He can be sat watching telly and then suddenly have bursts of huge excitement! This happens quite regular and it worries me a bit.He can also get sudden spouts of anger.What does this sound like?Professionals please help!
A: Ok, first up this is not the place to get information. I am a qualified professional who has worked extensively for 15 years with young people with differing problems. A diagnosis cannot be formulated from a snapshot description such as yours.Many young people (especiaslly young teenagers) experience emotional ups and downs, this is part of their development. These meotions present in different ways.Anyway the best advice is to go to your Doctor and have professionals look at the person who you are worried about.PS Everything else on this page, please ignore it.
what does it mean when a man urinates and blood comes out? what kind of illness does he have?
Q: what does it mean when a man urinates and blood comes out? what kind of illness does he have?
A: Many different reasons:UTITraumaNephrolithiasisUrethritisSickle cell anemiaIdiopathicProstatitisAcute glomerulonephritisBladder tumorRenal cell adenocarcinomaExerciseProstatic cancerPolycystic kidney diseaseGoodpasture’s syndromeYellow feverPlease provide more information so we could narrow it down. Your age? When this happens? When it started? Any pain? etc?
Does this sound like a mental illness or is he just a selfish inconsiderate idiot?
Q: My brother-in-law will call any time during the night…even 3am, and think nothing of it. He expects people to hand over money to him and gets angry if they don’t. He expects people to just drop everything and do things for him like get him McDonald’s whenever he asks. AND he never says thank you AND is never grateful AND still thinks no one does anything for him and that they should do more. His family say he has a mental problem but I just think he is selfish and inconsiderate. If it is a mental illness what could it possibly be?
A: It might be a type of schizophrenia, but in the absence of more bizarre behaviors and ideation it is probably narcissistic disorder or bipolar illness. He could also be on drugs (trying to self medicate). If it is constant, it is more likely narcissism; if it runs in cycles that have breaks (even short ones), then it is more likely Bipolar. If his family says he is ill, he probably is–it sounds like it to me. If so, there is probably some medication he should be on (and some treatment he should be in) that might help curb his more annoying behaviors. Or, he could already be on medication and this is as good as it gets. One thing to consider, though, is that just because someone is ill does not mean they aren’t also a spoiled brat or an asshole. Only the most severe cases cannot curb some of the behaviors with medication and treatment (such as counseling and/or behavior modification). His family is not helping him by allowing him to act out this way, but if so, try to understand that it can be a situation that just wears everyone out. At any rate, if he has a diagnosis, he needs a social worker to help keep track of him and monitor his treatment.
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