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How reliable is the swine flu vaccine

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Vaccination is the best protection we have against flu, so it is best to get the vaccination against H1N1. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-reliable-is-the-swine-flu-vaccine ]
More Answers to “How reliable is the swine flu vaccine
How reliable is the swine flu vaccine
Vaccination is the best protection we have against flu, so it is best to get the vaccination against H1N1. ChaCha on!
Finding a new drug and vaccine for emerging swine flu: What is th…?
In early 2009, an emerging novel influenza originating from Mexico called swine flu was reported. The World Health Organization noted a level VI precaution, the highest level precaution possible, … Keywords: swine flu, drug, vaccine, co…
What is in the Swine Flu vaccine?
Seriously – nasal vaccine has live virus(!) Injection has – dead virus, formaldehyde, Themerisol (murcury), squiline, detergent. That’s just what they tell us. I think it’s a soft kill bio-weapon. Why else would they hype the vaccine for a …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is the H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccine Safe?
Q: I was wondering if i should receive the shot, but im not sure if its safe. There have been reported side effects, like the girl who could only walk backwards o.oand it came out shortly after Swine Flu was discovered and i dont know how reliable that makes it.and I Am Legend is stuck in my head whenever i think about the safety of the shot lmaoo Should I get the shot?
A: In the United States, the H1N1 vaccine is manufactured the same way as the seasonal flu vaccine. That does not make it safe. Desiree Jennings, the cheerleader who was severely injured from the shot, and could only walk backwards, got the seasonal flu vaccine. Most doses of both the seasonal and swine flu vaccines contain a very large amount of mercury–25 mcg. That’s 83 times the amount the CDC says has “no biological effect,” which is 0.3 mcg or less.If you’d like to do more research, you can read the manufacturers’ package inserts for all the brands of swine flu vaccines. They are included with each shipment of vaccine, but patients very rarely see them. http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/ucm181950.htmYou can also read VAERS reports for the H1N1 vaccine. VAERS is Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/00_pdf/vaers_brochure.pdf Reporting is voluntary, so only a small fraction of actual adverse events are ever reported. You can search for VAERS reports at http://www.medalerts.orgI did a search for you for the H1N1 vaccine and here are the results. http://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?TABLE=ON&GROUP1=AGE&GROUP2=&GROUP3=&GROUP4=&GROUP5=&GROUP6=AGE&GROUP7=&EVENTS=ON&PAGENO=1&PERPAGE=10&ESORT=NONE&IDNUMBER=&PRECISION=2&CUSTOMAGE1=&CUSTOMAGE7=&CUSTOMAGE13=&CUSTOMAGE2=&CUSTOMAGE8=&CUSTOMAGE14=&CUSTOMAGE3=&CUSTOMAGE9=&CUSTOMAGE15=&CUSTOMAGE4=&CUSTOMAGE10=&CUSTOMAGE16=&CUSTOMAGE5=&CUSTOMAGE11=&CUSTOMAGE17=&CUSTOMAGE6=&CUSTOMAGE12=&CUSTOMAGE18=&SYMList=&WRITEUP=&CUR_ILL=&HISTORY=&VAX%5B%5D=FLU%28H1&VAXCNT=&VAXMAN=&VAXLOT=&VAXDOSE=&VAXROUTE=&VAXSITE=&PRIOR_VAX=&OTHER_MEDS=&V_ADMINBY=&V_FUNDBY=&action=Find&L_THREAT=&LAB_DATA=&NUMDAYS%5B%5D=&ER_VISIT=&HOSPITAL=&X_STAY=&RECOVD=&DISABLE=&DIED=&STATE%5B%5D=&WhichAge=select&AGES%5B%5D=0&SEX=&VAX_YEAR_LOW=&VAX_YEAR_HIGH=&ONSET_YEAR_LOW=&ONSET_YEAR_HIGH=&SUB_YEAR_LOW=&SUB_YEAR_HIGH=&REPORT_YEAR_LOW=&REPORT_YEAR_HIGH=&DEATH_YEAR_LOW=&DEATH_YEAR_HIGH=Here’s and article from The Washington Post regarding how mild H1N1 has turned out to be. There’s not much to fear. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/07/AR2009120703162.html?wprss=rss_healthAshley, where in the world did you get those numbers of 1 in a million chance of adverse reaction to the shot, and 1 in 1,000 chance of dying from swine flu? Those numbers are way, way off! And how could you possibly know that nobody who was vaccinated at your hospital has had an adverse reaction? Do you personally call them a month later and ask them?
Really scared about the H1N1 *aka Swine Flu* – Please read and help!?
Q: Alright so I live in the USA and the H1N1 virus *Swine Flu* is STILL here. It’s insane that it’s been going on for so long. It first surfaced in what… late May-April? That’s an awful long time! And it seems to be getting worse because it seems a lot more people are testing positive for it. I’ve heard of people dying in my state from it *one was a 5 year old boy and another was a 26 year old girl*. A 22 year old girl and an 18 year old boy were thought to of died from the H1N1, but the results said no… they did NOT test positive for it. Well, anyway – I’m still super scared of getting it. Me, my family and my friends have been lucky – none of us have got it so far. We haven’t gotten the vaccine for it even though we do have it around here now. My mom and dad are not able to get the shot due to them having medical conditions *my mom has asthma and my dad has heart problems, high blood pressure and diabetes*. I’m afraid that we’ll get it though. I know that not everyone who gets it dies, but with my mom having asthma and my dad having all his health problems, it scares me even more because I’ve heard that people with underlying health problems are the ones who are hit the hardest if they get it and usually the ones who die from it. I’m young *17 and a half* and I don’t have any underlying health problems, but I’m still afraid. I’m more afraid because my mom works with the public *she’s a cashier* and she has asthma. I’m really afraid she’s going to get the H1N1 virus. How can we protect ourselves against the H1N1 virus? We wash our hands often, we use hand sanitiser *my mom has a hand sanatiser she carries with her at work*, we try to avoid being around sick people, etc…Are we doing good? What else can we do to help protect ourselves?I’m also afraid for myself right now. I noticed about 2-3 days ago that I’m starting to get a bit of a cold. Right now I only have a stuffy nose and I’m sneezing/blowing my nose a lot. I don’t have a headache, I don’t have a fever, I don’t have a stomache, I haven’t threw up, I haven’t had any diarrhea, I don’t have any body aches or chills, my throat isn’t sore, my voice doesn’t sound any different, I don’t feel sick *I’m just annoyed over having a stuffed up nose and having to blow my nose so much*, I don’t have a cough, I don’t have any chest pains *it doesn’t hurt when I breathe or anything*, I’m still eating like I usually do, etc…So I don’t have H1N1 do I? I just have a normal, common cold that will go away within a few days, right? It won’t go into H1N1 will it?I want to go out and get some medication for this cold so it’ll go away. Would it be bad if I went out and got it even though I’ve got this cold? If I go out, it won’t transfer into H1N1 will it? Should I honestly be this scared over H1N1? I’ve heard many stories about it – some say it’s a serious emergency and other say that it’s just got blew out of proportation and isn’t really THAT serious. Some people say that you’ll die if you get it, other ssay that if you get it it’s pretty much just like the regular flu only a little worse and you’ll make a complete, 100% recovery. Which is true? How do I know what to and not to believe?I’d really apperciate some help here. If anyone can offer me any good, reliable information on the H1N1 virus and some good, effective ways on how to protect yourself and your family/friends from getting it, I’d really apperciate it.Oh and I apologize for this being so long!Thanks guys, you’ve already helped me. The answer I got on my other question didn’t help. The person told me it wouldn’t be ok because I probably have H1N1 and I shouldn’t give it to other people.I bought some tissues that were anti-viral. It says they kill 99.9% of germs/bateria. I’m very pleased that someone invented these. They should of had those long before the H1N1 even existed, agreed?I also got some cold medication that is specificly for congestion which is apparently what I have since my nose is all stuffed up and I’m sneezing/blowing my nose a lot.If this doesn’t help and I’m not better within a week or so, I’ll have my mom make me a doctor’s appointment.
A: Calm down, you dont have swine flu, you probably wont get swine flu, and even if you do, its very unlikely that you die from it. If you had swine flu, youd be throwing up and have a fever and all that stuff.
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