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Is the swine flu shot just as safe as the h1n1 shot

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The Swine Flu shot and the H1N1 shot are the exact same thing. H1N1 is the scientific name for the Swine Flu. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-the-swine-flu-shot-just-as-safe-as-the-h1n1-shot ]
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Is the swine flu shot just as safe as the h1n1 shot
The Swine Flu shot and the H1N1 shot are the exact same thing. H1N1 is the scientific name for the Swine Flu.

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Is it safe to get a second swine flu shot? or H1N1 vaccine?
Q: I remember in 1976 they told us ” we would never be able to get this shot again.”It would be too dangerous and we would have to take our chances with the flu. They didn’t know how long we would be protected, if that flu did not come that year and it didn’t.I am just as afraid of getting this new shot as I am of getting this flu.Does anyone know for sure if this is safe to get this shot twice?Does anyone know what was in the swine flu shot from 1976? Why they warned us not to ever get another one of these shots?Is anything in the H1N1 shot similar to what was in the 1976 shot? Please answer only if you know the chemistry. Tell me if you know where I could find this answer. I need the shot because of multiple other medical problems.Also could a vaccine last 43 years in your system and have much immunity to the diseasenow?
A: Today’s flu vaccines are associated with an almost undetectable risk (roughly 1 in 1,000,000) of developing Guillain-Barré syndrome, an autoimmune condition that affects the nervous system. By comparison the probability of dying from swine flu is about 1,000 times higher, and even that is very low. In 1976 there was a small outbreak of another, different swine flu virus, that prompted the US government to prepare for a pandemic. In hindsight, this decision was questionable because the pandemic didn’t happen and the proportion of people who developed Guillain-Barré was significantly higher than with modern vaccines (about 10 in 1,000,000).The 2009 swine flu a different virus to 1976, so the past vaccine would not give protection against it. The new vaccine is going to be very different, and modern vaccines do not have the same risks as the 1976 shot.
10 things you should know about H1N1 vacine? Do you think the H1N1 shot is needed?
Q: Do you think it’s really worth it to get the swine flu shot? I keep hearing all these bad things about it…at first I thought it was probably just bull, but, now i’m kind of second guessing myself because I’ve heard it so much (which i suppose is only natural, as that happens to everyone). Ten things you’re not supposed to know about the swine flu vaccine(At least, not by anyone in authority…)#1 – The vaccine production was “rushed” and the vaccine has never been tested on humans. Do you like to play guinea pig for Big Pharma? If so, line up for your swine flu vaccine this fall…#2 – Swine flu vaccines contain dangerous adjuvants that cause an inflammatory response in the body. This is why they are suspected of causing autism and other neurological disorders.#3 – The swine flu vaccine could actually increase your risk of death from swine flu by altering (or suppressing) your immune system response. There is zero evidence that even seasonal flu shots offer any meaningful protection for people who take the jabs. Vaccines are the snake oil of modern medicine.#4 – Doctors still don’t know why the 1976 swine flu vaccines paralyzed so many people. And that means they really have no clue whether the upcoming vaccine might cause the same devastating side effects. (And they’re not testing it, either…)#5 – Even if the swine flu vaccine kills you, the drug companies aren’t responsible. The U.S. government has granted drug companies complete immunity against vaccine product liability. Thanks to that blanket immunity, drug companies have no incentive to make safe vaccines, because they only get paid based on quantity, not safety (zero liability).#6 – No swine flu vaccine works as well as vitamin D to protect you from influenza. That’s an inconvenient scientific fact that the U.S. government, the FDA and Big Pharma hope the people never realize.#7 – Even if the swine flu vaccine actually works, mathematically speaking if everyone else around you gets the vaccine, you don’t need one! (Because it can’t spread through the population you hang with.) So even if you believe in the vaccine, all you need to do is encourage your friends to go get vaccinated…#8 – Drug companies are making billions of dollars from the production of swine flu vaccines. That money comes out of your pocket — even if you don’t get the jab — because it’s all paid by the taxpayers.#9 – When people start dying in larger numbers from the swine flu, rest assured that many of them will be the very people who got the swine flu vaccine. Doctors will explain this away with their typical Big Pharma logic: “The number saved is far greater than the number lost.” Of course, the number “saved” is entirely fictional… imaginary… and exists only in their own warped heads.#10 – The swine flu vaccine centers that will crop up all over the world in the coming months aren’t completely useless: They will provide an easy way to identify large groups of really stupid people. (Too bad there isn’t some sort of blue dye that we could tag ’em with for future reference…)The lottery, they say, is a tax on people who can’t do math. Similarly, flu vaccines are a tax on people who don’t understand health.even on the news… there is a deformation in the vaccines or certain percentage, they dont know if its fatal, they dont know what it is but no we shouldn’t worry…. where do we draw the line ?What do you think? Are you going to get it?Just as an example of the bad things I’ve been hearing about it, here’s something someone tagged me in a note on facebook (I know facebook isn’t the scientific fact site, but…just to give you an idea). Do you think the swine flu shot is safe?
A: Congratulations on discovering that the medical industry is not 100% flawless and perfect, and actually does have problems. Yes, shockingly, medicine DOES cost money (#8) and has potential side effects in a small percentage of people (#2).The scientific concept of a vaccine is hardly unproven though. Claims like #9 that the vaccine will kill more than it saves are absurd. If you make 100 million people immune to swine flu, you can’t pretend none of them would have gotten sick and died from it. Vaccines do work, in general.Feel free to be a fear-mongerer if you want… but it makes as much sense as warning people never to drive a car, because cars are very dangerous and injure and kill millions of people. (Actually, warning people about cars makes much more sense, because they’re much more dangerous).However, I’m not getting a swine flu shot… it’s too hard to find, I don’t want to wait in long lines and spend money for it anyway, I’m just not that concerned about catching the flu which is not a very dangerous disease for most people.
Reactions to Glaxo Flu Vaccine Under Investigation in Canada?
Q: By Trista Kelley and Alexandre DeslongchampsNov. 25 (Bloomberg) — Canada is still investigating an unusually high rate of a side effect known as anaphylaxis from a batch of GlaxoSmithKline Plc’s swine flu vaccine, health officials said today. Anaphylaxis occurred at a rate of about 4 per 100,000 shots in one lot of 172,000 doses of the vaccine, David Butler-Jones, Canada’s chief public health officer, said at an Ottawa news conference. Typically, about 1 person in 100,000 will suffer such a reaction. Anaphylaxis is an acute allergic reaction that includes swollen tongues, throats and respiratory distress. Glaxo, the sole supplier of swine flu shots to Canada, has shipped 7.5 million doses of the Arepanrix vaccine to the country, the company said this week. For all batches, the rate of side effects is 0.32 per 100,000, health officials said today. The higher rate from one batch may be a statistical anomaly, Butler-Jones said. About 15,000 shots from the batch that still haven’t been used are being held back while investigators look into the matter, officials said. There were no obvious glitches in the manufacturing process, Butler-Jones said. “What they’re looking at is whether or not there was something else, whether it was something to do with when it was shipped,” he said. “It gives us cause to wonder whether there’s something wrong or it may just be the odds.” The reactions are not related to the adjuvant that is added to boost the vaccine’s potency, Butler-Jones said. Investigation Ongoing Gwenan White, a spokeswoman for London-based Glaxo, said the company is working with Canadian officials. “Normally in this type of situation we would get a vial or something from that batch and we would test it, but that’s done in combination with other elements of the investigation,” she said. “The investigation is ongoing.” About 65 million people worldwide have been vaccinated with swine flu vaccine, the World Health Organization said in a statement last week. Evidence so far indicates that shots for the pandemic H1N1 influenza are as safe as those for seasonal flu, the Geneva-based United Nations health agency said. Nearly 80 million doses of vaccine have been distributed in 40 countries with pandemic immunization campaigns under way, the agency said. Other companies manufacturing vaccine include Novartis AG, Baxter International Inc., CSL Ltd., Sanofi-Aventis SA and AstraZeneca Plc. South Korea said today it no longer plans to buy GlaxoSmithKline Plc’s swine flu vaccine. The decision isn’t related to the side effects reported in Canada, Oh Sung Il, a spokesman for the Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs, said in a telephone interview today, declining to give details. In August, South Korea said it planned to buy 10 million doses of swine flu vaccine by the end of this year. Green Cross Corp., a domestic vaccine developer, would supply 7 million doses and Glaxo the remainder, the government said at the time. To contact the reporters on this story: Trista Kelley in London at [email protected]; Alexandre Deslongchamps in Ottawa at [email protected].
A: The basic knowledge that everyone should know about vaccines is that they contain heavy metals that your body isn’t designed to react with. They can do some major damage and usually do more harm than good.
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