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If "swine flu is H1N1 and bird flu is H5N1 what are the other 3? H2N1, H3N1 and H4N1

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “If "swine flu is H1N1 and bird flu is H5N1 what are the other 3? H2N1, H3N1 and H4N1”,you can compare them.

H2N1 was Avian Influenza, H3N1 is influenza subtype A, and H4N1 is also a form of bird flu. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-%22swine-flu-is-h1n1-and-bird-flu-is-h5n1-what-are-the-other-3%3F-h2n1%2C-h3n1-and-h4n1 ]
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