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What are early symptoms of h1n1

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The symptoms of 2009 H1N1 flu virus in people include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-early-symptoms-of-h1n1 ]
More Answers to “What are early symptoms of h1n1
What are early symptoms of h1n1
The symptoms of 2009 H1N1 flu virus in people include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea.
Could these be early symptoms of H1N1?
allergies do not generally cause body aches, it sounds like you have contracted a virus of some sort. Stay home, so you don’t spread it around, drink a lot of fluids, take tylenol for body aches and keep checking your temp, if you get a fev…
Is nausea any kind of early symptom of H1N1?
Oh babe, you don’t have swine flu! Just relax! She’s really getting to you huh? Do something to take your mind off things, maybe go outdoors in the sunshine… that always improves my moods. You could do some exercise, it releases endorp…

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Q: What are your thoughts or comments when it comes to sick people out in public (people with simple things like cough, runny nose, headache–not like vomiting sick)? Many people don’t want someone who is sniffling and coughing going to school or work, or even the store right now, as it is possibly an early symptom of H1N1. I ask only because I get the feeling (through looks or even questions) in class that I am disappointing people by being there while coughing and blowing my nose. I have really bad allergies from pretty much September to June every year, and usually people don’t give me looks for being in class while I appear to have a cold. I try to take allergy medicine, and once I take it for a few days I’m fine as long as I don’t stop taking it, but I don’t remember to take it. I can’t stay home for 9 months, and I know I’m not sick, but I’m constantly being judged by others who think I am sick and possibly infecting the world with H1N1 or a cold. I even had one old guy in class ask me if I had swine flu- simply because I was my nose a lot.
A: I agree that the concern with the flu is valid but I’ve read that by the time people exhibit symptoms, they’ve gone beyond the point where they spread the illness to others. So in reality, it’s too late at that point- the infection point has passed. So the “infection window” or whatever you want call it may be very difficult- or impossible- for most people to pinpoint.
Early signs of h1n1 from people that have had it?
Q: I’m looking for people that have had or known someone whose had the H1N1 flu. What did you get as the early signs. Did you start out having a fever or were there other symptoms first and the fever kind of escalated from there? If so what were the other symptoms. Any info would be appriciated. Thanks!Tom–I’m not scared of the flu I just want to know if I’m getting it or not that’s all. I know it’s all hype but I work in healthcare so I need to be on the lookout because if I get it I obviously can’t come to work and see patients.
A: Body aches and fever usually present rather quickly Then cough or other respiratory problems. You ll feel like you got hit by a truck and the sx will come hard and fast. After the first Symptoms, you may have nausea and vomiting, chills, or headache
Strange symptoms with the H1N1…?
Q: After going to the dr. this morning, I was tested positive for the flu. I’ve never had any flu, whether normal or swine, but I’ve always heard the horror stories of how horrible the symptoms are. I’m going to be honest, I’m definitely not feeling up to par, but I’m by no means miserable. I’ve noticed some of my symptoms just didn’t match up. It started out pretty textbook I guess: sore throat, runny nose, extreme congestion and sinus pressure, coughing, and fatigued feeling. My fever, so far, never got above 101 but this is only my first day. These I can understand but the weird thing is, I’ve experienced some crazy symptoms like sensitive teeth and sore jaws (no where else is really that sore..yet), mild chest pain and shortness of breath, overactive kidney function, no nausea or diarrheaa, but increased hunger and thirst. Since the early hours of the morning, and I haven’t started any meds yet except tylenol, my fever has remained low grade and the symptoms are so mild, I probably wouldn’t know I had the flu if it wasn’t for the test they ran. That’s what seems so crazy to me. Has anyone been positively tested for the flu and had these or other strange symptoms?
A: Increased appetite is a typical part of H1N1, I drink a lot of water as it is and drank even more while I was sick, and also, I ate like a pig (no pun intended!) when I had it, and overactive kidney function goes hand in hand with it. Also, as one of my symptoms, all of my nerves went particularly sensitive (it’s a rare symptom), which could account for your sensitive teeth. Also, the sore jaw can be attributed to you either clenching your jaw, muscle pain/fatigue which is common with any flu, or you may have just strained your jaw from coughing (I know it sounds kind of weird, but I’ve done it before, especially can be common in those who have TMJ). I’ve had all of these issues with Swine- My teeth weren’t sensitive, but like I said, almost all of my other nerves were.
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