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What kind of flus are going around right now

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Currently the Swine Flu (H1N1) is the most prominent flu going around. ChaCha for now. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-kind-of-flus-are-going-around-right-now ]
More Answers to “What kind of flus are going around right now
What kind of flus are going around right now
Currently the Swine Flu (H1N1) is the most prominent flu going around. ChaCha for now.
Is there some kind of cold or flu bug going around Vegas right no…?
Umm..yeah. I know more than one person with a cold right now.

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What kind of flus are going around right now(Feb. 2006)?
Q: It is February 2006 and 1/2 of my school was out this week, on average! So I am sick too and I would like to know what flus are going arouond right now. I am in Birmingham Alabama so please answer!
A: I know about it neither.Almost every people in the globe experienced that, too.Even I got a fever but not flu.It looks like we have to take care of our health more due to the flu. Take Vitamin C.By the way, you are quite new here, aren’t you?Welcome to Yahoo! Answers.Please do not post your question to this category ever because this category is generally considered “junk”.Next time, post question to its suitable category.OK?
Am I going to die? I’m freaking out right now.?
Q: First let me give some of the story:I posted this question on Sunday ” Am I poisoned? I’m freaking out right now.?First let me give you some information about myself. My name is Jeremy and I am 17 years old. I was born with a missing right arm. When I was four I was ran over by a lawn mower and it badly messed up my left foot and I had to be hospitalized for six weeks. I have had depression for a couple of years now and had to be hospitalized once because of it (about a month ago). Whenever I am around a lot of poison/chemicals/cleaning agents I start thinking if I will die from them.Now my question:Friday night I was at my brother and sister in law’s apartment to help them move. It was also my dad’s birthday. We ate cake but it was on packing paper because we packed all of the dishes away. I was wondering if I could have been poisoned by anything while I was helping them such as soap, packing paper, or anything of that nature. My symptoms are nausea, vomiting, sometimes my pulse is elevated to 100-110 beats per minute (the past couple of months it has been around 80-90 beats per minute) , and I get really hot and start sweating although my hands and feet feel cold (that only happened last night).I also am on prozac and I was wondering if it could be serotonin syndrome or anything related to it because my psychiatrist recently increased my dosage to 40 mg from 20 mg.My parents keep on reassuring me that I am not poisoned but i’m not sure. They also said I could have had an anxiety attack although i’ve never been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.”Here are the updates: Monday morning I checked out of school feeling nauseated and my mom thinks I was running a fever. Later that day I went to the doctor and the doctor diagnosed me with the stomach flu. She prescribed me Zofran for the nausea and said to come back in a couple of days if I don’t get any better. She also said that I wasn’t poisoned. I am taking the Zofran but I still fell nauseated. I am almost always cold but I don’t have a fever and my pulse is sometimes elevated to 100-110 beats per minute. The past two nights I woke up with my legs sweating which were under the cover but my upper body wasn’t. My pulse was also high when I woke up. In the morning’s I feel really nauseated and can’t eat anything and it seems like my nausea is getting worse. I always check my temperature when I wake up and it is always normal. Sometimes it is below normal such as 97.6.Today I am going back to the doctor. So am I going to die? or what is wrong with me? I am scared because I don’t know whats wrong with me.Any help/answers will be much appreciated. Thank youOne more thing: My symptoms are from my illness not from anxiety. I am just wondering what is wrong with me because I never had an illness with these kind of symptoms and I have only a few of the symptoms of what I was diagnosed with.I now know that I am a hypochondriac/have an anxiety disorder and I will see my psychiatrist about it.Thank you everybody for being there for me. It really means a lot to me.
A: You’re not going to die. Just go back to the doctor and maybe she will give you something else for the nausea. Just let her know the Zofran isn’t working. You weren’t poisoned by soap, chemicals, or packing paper. I don’t even think it is possible to become poisoned from packing paper. And you would have to actually ingest a lot of chemical/soap to become sick from it. Which it sounds like you just had cake and weren’t drinking out of a bleach bottle or anything. Having a temperature below normal is ok. I would mention to your doctor that your psychiatrist increased your dose of Prozac. You may need to go back down to your original dose. You will be fine though and you’re not going to die. Think positive thoughts. =)
I feel depressed right now?
Q: I had a horrible day today and I felt so depressed.I woke up sick and tired this morning and I really didn’t want to go to school. But I got up anyway. During school, almost every single one of my friends completely ignored me. I wasn’t sure why, and I tried to talk to some of them, but they would either turn around or talk to someone else.During my history class, my friend spent the whole period talking to someone else, a girl I don’t really like, and I felt needy. But then in the class, I got a fever and felt really tired, so I tried to sleep but they kept bothering me and making fun of the expressions on my face. I was getting really irritated so I told them to stop but then they started talking about what a bitch I was. And at the end of the day, one of my friends approached me and asked me if I was going to work on our yearbook page. I hadn’t been working on it since finals were coming up and I had many projects due. When I told her I couldn’t stay since I had a fever, she rolled her eyes at me and walked away. I felt bad since she had to do almost all the work, so I stayed longer to work on it. She told me she had to go and she left, so I was alone. But when I went downstairs to the cafeteria, I saw her sitting there.And when I went home, my mom yelled at me for getting sick and said I probably had the swine flu, and said it was my fault..If anyone has any stores, support, kind words, ANYTHING i would very much appreciate it.
A: Please try and cheer up since it is the wk-end. Start now by looking into the mirror and seeing how beautiful you are and lucky to be alive. I know it is hard to think irrationally when are feeling down but with a little TLC you should be okay. Ignore your friends for now and deal with them at a later time and remember you will make many more friends when you go off to college and enter the professional world. Better yet, find some new friends and start by going to your church, YMCA, and other social outlets. Think about volunteering at a hospital for sick children so you can see that your life is not all that bad compared to the little ones who are suffering from a life-threatening disease.Tell your mother what is going so maybe she will back the f%$# off and get you a break.:)Catch my hug and feel better! Believe it or not I am depressed as all get out but I’m much older than you and know in time the sun will shine again.Wake up in the morning and have a plan to start feeling like a new person. If need be, please talk to your guidance counselor, pastor, or ask your parents about getting some professional counseling.You have a friend who cares,Carmen
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