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Why is h1n1 the name of the virus strain

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Influenza A strains are categorized according to two proteins found on the surface: hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N) MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-h1n1-the-name-of-the-virus-strain ]
More Answers to “Why is h1n1 the name of the virus strain
Why is h1n1 the name of the virus strain
Influenza A strains are categorized according to two proteins found on the surface: hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N) MORE
What’s the naming convention of flu virus strains that led to the…?
The H is for Hemagglutinin, which is found on the surface of this particular strain. I believe it is a form of protein. The N is for Neuraminidase which is an enzyme also found on the outer surface of this strain. I believe the 1 part is be…
Is my friend sick with the H1N1 virus strain?
Not necessarily!It could have been any other viral infections so far her symptoms are concerned.Influenza and ARDS are other diseases at which patient may see the same symptoms. Remember,all viral infections of the respiratory tract carry t…

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Talking Back to the News Media: What am I not getting about the panic over swine flu?
Q: in ref. to the news article:http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/04/30/swine.flu/I know this is a lot, but am I NOT understanding all this correctly:article: “Swine flu is a contagious respiratory disease that affects pigs and can jump to humans. Symptoms include fever, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.”–but those symptoms are no different than any other type A influenza virus.”But the latest virus is a hybrid of swine, avian and human strains, and no vaccine has been developed for it. In response, countries are scrambling to prevent its spread.”–but people contract mutated versions of the flu virus every year, most do not get the latest vaccine, and most still recover after a few days. Those strains can also be hybrids of human, bird, and pig. It just sounds more “scary” to keep emphasizing a hybrid trio. Because swine flu (which has shown to pose no greater threat than other flu viruses) developed in pigs doesn’t make it more dangerous to humans. It has been proven that your immune system is the most important element when fighting the flu, which is why MDs will tell you to get plenty of rest. It’s why the same group that has always been most at risk is still most at risk: babies, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems. But this is nothing new. Plus, vaccines are not 100% effective and can actually cause illness (as was the case in 1976 when 40 million were given flu vaccine and some developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, a severe and sometimes fatal condition).”The World Health Organization raised its pandemic to its second-highest level, warning of widespread human infection from the outbreak that originated in Mexico and has been jumping from person-to-person with relative ease.”–“jumping from person-to-person with relative ease” is nothing more than a news media sensationalistic style of saying that the virus can pass from human to human, which is how most people who get infected with type A influenza have always gotten infected anyway. This is not a “superflu” virus that has proven to be extra contagious or extra difficult for someone to get over compared to any other flu-related illness. “It urged countries to ramp up efforts to produce a vaccine.”–Why? And WHAT countries? Thousands die from flu related illness every year and nobody “ramps up efforts” to create a vaccine. There’s no real reason being demonstrated why a new vaccine is so imperative even if there have been fatalities (curiously all in Mexico except for one boy who the article admits had underlying health problems). Again, there is no evidence that this is some kind of strain of flu that the human immune system cannot handle regardles of what kind of “hybrid” combination. The swine flu pathogen is not from a human source and still does not kill people at an alarming rate.”It really is all of humanity that is under threat during a pandemic,” said Dr. Margaret Chan, the WHO’s director-general. “We do not have all the answers right now, but we will get them.”–“all of humanity is under threat” sounds like now the WHO is adding to media hype, but the point here is that she says “during a pandemic,” and there has yet to be a pandemic declared (defined as the disease occurring throughout wide geographic location and affecting much of the population). This kind of language makes me suspect that if the World Health Organization declares there’s a pandemic it won’t be because of an actual threat but for some other politically motivated reason.”By early Thursday, the WHO had confirmed 154 cases worldwide with 10 additional cases reported in Spain, Nine of the cases of the H1N1 virus in Spain were found in people who had returned from Mexico.”–How in the name of the seven mad gods that rule the sea is 154 cases of any flu virus an overwhelming imminent threat of pandemic when as much as 500,000 people on average per year are expected to die from flu-related illness and nobody ever declares a pandemic has occurred? “While all the fatalities, except that of the boy, have been in Mexico — the epicenter of the outbreak — the majority of the confirmed infected cases have been in the United States: 91 across 10 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”–In all cases except one baby boy with underlying health problems, those infected with the new flu strain got typical flu symptoms, not some bizarre never before seen reaction to the flu virus, and they got over it like any other influenza. So, why is it so important these 91 cases were the new strain of virus when probably thousands more contracted other strains of type A influenza, had similar symptoms, and most recovered just the same?The news media is going to great lengths to literally tell people they should be worried. The WHO is using language like “all of humanity” is under an imminent “threat.” Am I mis-reading what I’ve indicated above when you sift through the a
A: Your post has been the ONLY dissection and exposure of the unwarranted hysteria perpetrated on the people by the media and the government. Everyone should read what you have written.You are one of the few people out there with any sense. Thank you for your voice of sanity in a world of madness.I would expound on my answer, but I have to go pick up my asthmatic son from public school, where I have allowed him to attend, despite being surrounded by possible flu carriers, WITHOUT a surgical mask!:OAnd we live in TEXAS!! GASP!
Pretty irritated with my midwife over the H1N1 Vaccine and her insistence wth?
Q: I had my 5 month visit last night (after our ultrasound, its another boy, whee!) and as part of the visit she was required to give her little “get the flu vaccine or face a death sentence” speech. Which was fine, i was glad to hear anything she might be able to tell me that I didnt already know. She preached at me, almost yelling for like 20 minutes about how this flu is worse than small pox, we have no hope of surviving it if we contract it, perfectly healthy people are dropping like flies… pretty scary stuff! I was really interested in the vaccine after that!I guess the hospital offers a dead vaccine- something I wasnt able to find information on when I initially made my decision against getting vaccinated. So I asked her to get me the name of the vaccine, the manufacturer and the list of ingredients if possible. I just wanted to research it all through the FDA and CDC and other ‘third party’ sites where I could get information and not speculation. Turns out, the ingredients contain two adjuvants squalene, and MF59 which also contains squalene and other adjuvants. I expected there to be some form of adjuvant- its in most dead virus vaccines- they create a hyper immune response so you develop immunities faster and with less vaccine.Squalene is actually listed on the EU’s and the US’s FDA subsites as “not safe for use in humans” its believed to be responsible for “gulf war syndrome” because it was added to an anthrax vaccine for the troops of the gulf war. It causes auto-immune diseases in people- a small portion, but a dangerously sizable portion just the same. The body’s immune system attacks the body, among other things.The EU decided it was an acceptable risk when added to a level 6 pandemic vaccine for use during a major global pandemic health crisis event in which people are literally dying like they were with the plague and losing huge portions of entire populations. The CDC convinced the FDA to make the same decision.I am so irritated at the moment mostly because I feel that I was sold to- as though i am too stupid to go to a government site myself to find out what is going on, and also in part because the cdc monitors the flu every season and the effects of this flu are no more adverse than a regular flu, especially a new flu strain in its first full season. Its spread is considered pandemic in style- but the effects are NOT pandemic in the “people are dropping like flies” sense. The whole thing is just so frustrating. We just stay home. I dont go anywhere. My husband works carrying mail, walking the streets- minimal contact with people, he’s not even able to get the vaccine anytime soon anyway. So we just stay home to be safe. grrrr. Why is it so impossible to get unbiased information?
A: Hello. I am sorry that your midwife is irritating you, even though I do disagree with your views, as a professional, the Midwife should discuss both arguments of the vaccine and explain the pros and cons. I am a Registered Nurse, I’m not a midwife, but if I may I’d like to answer your question. First of all, I’d like to start by saying that before I became scientifically litterate, I was very anti-vaccine too, just because I am pro-vaccine, does not mean that I do not understand why people are concerned about vaccines. Perhaps you won’t read the rest of my answer beyond this first paragraph as you may sense that I disagree with your views, but I hope you do and perhaps my answer will help shed a little more light on the situation or for others reading this question. Basically, as you will have read in the news a number of pregnant woman who have had swine flu have died, this is because during pregnancy your immunity is naturally suppressed so the mothers body does not attack the baby, mistaking it for a foreign object.Whilst this mechanism is vital, it also puts you at an increased risk of developing secondary complications as a result of the H1N1 or any virus for that matter. Pregnant women are 4 times more likely to develop serious complications from swine flu and up to five times more likely to need to go to hospital. Many people on this forum keep saying that H1N1 is akin to normal seasonal flu. It ISN’T. The initial outbreak that we had in the summer, may have been but Pandemic flu, and in particular the more virulent forms that can evolve later on in the year (round about now) causes far more problems, as you have heard, the number of cases of people getting swine flu has risen again. You only have to look back through history to see the devastation past pandemic strains of flu have caused.Regarding your paragraph here. “Squalene is actually listed on the EU’s and the US’s FDA subsites as “not safe for use in humans” its believed to be responsible for “gulf war syndrome” because it was added to an anthrax vaccine for the troops of the gulf war. It causes auto-immune diseases in people- a small portion, but a dangerously sizable portion just the same. The body’s immune system attacks the body, among other things.”Thats not true at all. Squalene is found naturally in the human body. It is necessary to human health. The rate of Squalene antibodies turned out to be no higher in those who had GBS than in those who didn’t. Squalene is an Adjuvant, it enhances the body’s natural immune response to the antigens in vaccines, this makes the vaccines much more effective.- It has a good safety profile.Squalene antibodies were found at similar rates in people who had never been exposed to squalene in vaccines too. And if you are in the USA your flu vaccines do not contain Squalene! American flu vaccines do not contain adjuvants- unless it’s changed very recently, but I doubt it. Yes Squalene antibodies were found in Gulf War veterans; but the rate turned out to be no higher in those who had GBS than in those who didn’t. You also claim that the EU have said that squalene based adjuvants are unsafe? Really? In Europe, we have been using squalene-based adjuvants for the last decade with approx 22,000,000 doses given; and no serious adverse events have occurred, only mild local reactions… where are you getting your information?The World Health Organization (WHO) considers it safe. http://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/topics…To conclude; nothing in medicine is 100% but the benefits outweigh the very rare risks. You are more likely to get SF and die, than you are of having a reaction to this vaccine. I am not going to tell you what to do, the choice is yours. If you are unhappy with your midwife you can always change.
Talking Back to the News Media: What am I not getting about the panic over swine flu?
Q: in ref. to the news article:http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/04/30/swine.flu/I know this is a lot, but am I NOT understanding all this correctly:article: “Swine flu is a contagious respiratory disease that affects pigs and can jump to humans. Symptoms include fever, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.”–but those symptoms are no different than any other type A influenza virus.”But the latest virus is a hybrid of swine, avian and human strains, and no vaccine has been developed for it. In response, countries are scrambling to prevent its spread.”–but people contract mutated versions of the flu virus every year, most do not get the latest vaccine, and most still recover after a few days. Those strains can also be hybrids of human, bird, and pig. It just sounds more “scary” to keep emphasizing a hybrid trio. Because swine flu (which has shown to pose no greater threat than other flu viruses) developed in pigs doesn’t make it more dangerous to humans. It has been proven that your immune system is the most important element when fighting the flu, which is why MDs will tell you to get plenty of rest. It’s why the same group that has always been most at risk is still most at risk: babies, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems. But this is nothing new. Plus, vaccines are not 100% effective and can actually cause illness (as was the case in 1976 when 40 million were given flu vaccine and some developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, a severe and sometimes fatal condition).”The World Health Organization raised its pandemic to its second-highest level, warning of widespread human infection from the outbreak that originated in Mexico and has been jumping from person-to-person with relative ease.”–“jumping from person-to-person with relative ease” is nothing more than a news media sensationalistic style of saying that the virus can pass from human to human, which is how most people who get infected with type A influenza have always gotten infected anyway. This is not a “superflu” virus that has proven to be extra contagious or extra difficult for someone to get over compared to any other flu-related illness. “It urged countries to ramp up efforts to produce a vaccine.”–Why? And WHAT countries? Thousands die from flu related illness every year and nobody “ramps up efforts” to create a vaccine. There’s no real reason being demonstrated why a new vaccine is so imperative even if there have been fatalities (curiously all in Mexico except for one boy who the article admits had underlying health problems). Again, there is no evidence that this is some kind of strain of flu that the human immune system cannot handle regardless of what kind of “hybrid” combination. The swine flu pathogen is not from a human source and still does not kill people at an alarming rate.”It really is all of humanity that is under threat during a pandemic,” said Dr. Margaret Chan, the WHO’s director-general. “We do not have all the answers right now, but we will get them.”–“all of humanity is under threat” sounds like now the WHO is adding to media hype, but the point here is that she says “during a pandemic,” and there has yet to be a pandemic declared (defined as the disease occurring throughout wide geographic location and affecting much of the population). This kind of language makes me suspect that if the World Health Organization declares there’s a pandemic it won’t be because of an actual threat but for some other politically motivated reason.”By early Thursday, the WHO had confirmed 154 cases worldwide with 10 additional cases reported in Spain, Nine of the cases of the H1N1 virus in Spain were found in people who had returned from Mexico.”–How in the name of the seven mad gods that rule the sea is 154 cases of any flu virus an overwhelming imminent threat of pandemic when as much as 500,000 people on average per year are expected to die from flu-related illness and nobody ever declares a pandemic has occurred? “While all the fatalities, except that of the boy, have been in Mexico — the epicenter of the outbreak — the majority of the confirmed infected cases have been in the United States: 91 across 10 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”–In all cases except one baby boy with underlying health problems, those infected with the new flu strain got typical flu symptoms, not some bizarre never before seen reaction to the flu virus, and they got over it like any other influenza. So, why is it so important these 91 cases were the new strain of virus when probably thousands more contracted other strains of type A influenza, had similar symptoms, and most recovered just the same?The news media is going to great lengths to literally tell people they should be worried. Am I mis-reading what I’ve indicated? Am I wrong and there’s real evidence that all the panic is justifiable?tgr1013: I’ve read the book In the Name Of Science. Very scary read.
A: This is a very overblown issue. I answered in another question that it was deliberately spread in Mexico. I thought the same thing you did, that the combination of strains for which there is no vaccine sounds suspicious. You might even say it sounds like it came out of a lab.
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