Bible Translations

Often times the preacher of a local church or synagogue would say “The bible says..” this or that but in reality they should be quoting only scripture, and should call it scripture. The bible was obviously written mostly in Hebrew, then some Aramaic, and Greek, but the translators have inserted their own biases in the translation. And, even though the translators are experts in language and linguistics and have studied Hebrew and Greek, they still translate as they see fit to their own doctrinal beliefs. The Catholic version will translate a verse and make it fit to their confession practice, or for their other practices. A Jewish translation would ignore the messianic prophecies and try to reword or in other words rewrite what God intended in the original Hebrew, but all translators are at fault here. There is one translation that seems without bias and translates every word of the Torah, or Pentateuch ( First five books of Moses) into a mechanical translation that aims to restore the ancient and ancient cultural meaning of the words from the ancient Hebrew language. These words don’t make sense in the abstract Western and modern reader, but to the ancients it made perfect sense. But, if one learns the ancient Hebrew words and their cultural context and meaning they can learn to read the bible in its original form without the need of a translator.

Most of the Modern translations of the bible are copyrighted and this is a little frightening. The only reason why someone would copyright something is only if the material is original, since the bible is translating from Hebrew to English or Greek to English the translators are making up words that are not found in the ancient culture or thought of the Hebrews. One word is Heaven, the word “heaven” has no ancient Hebrew equivalent because they saw Heaven as simply “sky”. The modern dictionary is of no help in defining ancient words, but the ancient artifacts in Archaeology help uncover the truths in the original meaning of words. The Aleph the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet in ancient pictograph is the symbol of an ox. The ox in ancient cultures symbolized strength and power and the lamed letter or “L” letter of the ancient Hebrew pictograph is the symbol of a shepherds staff and symbolizes the authority the shepherd had on the ox and cattle, to lead and direct them. If one puts these two letters together it forms “al” or “El” the word for God. The ancients had no word for God, but used the word Mighty one because of the representation of these pictures in the letters themselves form a mnemonic.

People should research more on the ancient Hebrew because there is more work to be done in this field. The bible will hopefully one day be translated without bias and without a translators input or interpretation of the text. This will hopefully be achieved with the mechanical way of translating in English the original Hebrew into words that can be looked up in a Ancient Hebrew Lexicon, or dictionary.

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