Dating Dos and Don’ts

The dating “game” can be complicated, especially if you are new to it or are freshly returning to it from a long-term relationship. I have found that the best way to do things right is to learn from all the things I have done wrong. Here are a few tips I learned from my own experiences that I would like to share with you to help you in your relationship.


Give your partner space. Not giving them enough breathing room can send them running. If you think you might be hovering a bit much, restrain yourself somehow. Taking up a new hobby can help you focus on yourself and your talents, rather than spending all your time looking at your phone waiting for them to call. Offer to pay. It is nice having someone who is willing to pay for all of your dates, but you should still offer to pay sometimes. Guys who pay for everything feel that it is their duty to, but if things get more serious, it can start to make you look expensive, which can be an unintentional relationship pitfall. Show confidence and make him laugh. Normal guys like confident women who carry themselves well and have a fun personality. They care less about how perfect your hair and makeup is and more about how they feel when they are with you. Make yourself memorable.


Be overly jealous. We are all humans and desire interaction with other people, regardless of whether or not they are male or female. Acting jealous when there is no reason to be will just make you look unattractive. Stay in a relationship for convenience. By leaving a relationship that’s not working, you give yourself the chance to work on and develop your own interests and talents. This way you can be open to something new and better when someone does come along. Complain about your physical flaws. Just because you aren’t 100 percent satisfied with your body or looks doesn’t mean you should point them out and complain about them. If a guy is with you, he picked you for who you are, flaws and all. Complaining shows a lack of confidence, which is a huge turnoff to men. Over-analyze. This is probably the most difficult rule to follow as a female because it seems we are geared to reflect on things that happen and analyze them. It is easy to over-analyze and read too deep into something, causing you to make mistakes in your relationship that are unnecessary. Guys do not over-think things and generally go with the flow. We need to remember this because it can cause a lot of undue stress.

I hope my personal reflection about what is right and wrong to do in a relationship will help you not only put yours in perspective, but also have a relationship that is productive, happy and healthy.

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