How do you know you if you have bleeding in the brain

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A sudden, agonizing headache, more severe than any you have felt before, could mean you are bleeding in the brain. Go to an ER ! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you know you if you have bleeding in the brain
How do u know if your brain is bleeding or has an injury??
Go to the ER to get evaluated for a head injury. The doc will only order the same tests. As to mental retardation, that’s something that you are born with. As to brain damage, yes, if there is bleeding inside the head and pressure builds up…
Can anybody know about brain haemorrhage?Can it be cured??
Your friend is indeed in critical condition. Internal hemorrhage like the case of your friend which is in the brain is very serious. I just hope and pray that your friend will recover from this. It is really a very critical state.

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Can being grabed on head cause brain bleeding?
Q: somone grabed me by the top of the head. it wasnt really hard, but just hurt a bit (maybe 10 seoncds). this happened 4 days ago. last night i got a sharp pain in head for about 15 seconds. and im feeling pretty tired. (dunno if its because of lack of sleep.) is my brain bleeding?
A: your skull is probally just bruised.i have been picked up and dropped on a concrete floor head first and i was fine
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Q: I been smoke pot for long time. Since 6 months ago my brain start bleeding on top of my brain, I dunno it is was blood or water or other…my cousin think it nature. It doesn’t hurt or anything…well I kind of hear voice every time I smoke it.
A: My advice is to stop smoking weed as it is affecting your mental well being. Weed slows down your recations starves the brain of oxygen while your high your expersing rather werid things Weed causes all sorts of cancer and will slow you down big time if you carry on smoking you will talk much slower and your reactions will be extreamly slow too either go to the doctors if your guna carry on smoking the stuff or come off it cos your guna end up wanting more drugs cos Weed wont keep you high for long.
How do you know if a baby is bleeding in the brain?
Q: How would anyone know if a baby is bleeding in the brain, with out a test?
A: The baby needs an MRI.. this could cause serious mother had bleeding and her brain and she was non resposive, just in and out of sleep, couldn’t talk… cause her bleed was so bad is push her brain over.. if you think you baby has this … take it to a dr
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