How do you test for mono

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Mono tests include Monospot test (heterophil test) and a EBV antibody test. Both tests are done by taking a sample of blood. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you test for mono
How do you get tested for Mono?
Mono tests include: Monospot test (heterophil test). This quick screening test detects a recent mono infection. A sample of blood is placed on a microscope slide and mixed with other substances. If mono is present, the blood clumps (aggluti…
I have been tested for mono, but have been sick a lot. Is it leuk…?
Relax. You have no control over what the test show tomorrow. It may be mono, or it could be another virus. I have mono now and it started with fever. My bloodwork (no mono test the first week) came up with bad liver enzime levels (they thou…
Can a mono test indicate Leukemia?
I am not a doctor or an expert but I do believe one of the ways they have an indicator someone has Luekemia is by an elevated white blood cell count. If your still feeling badly, you need to go back to your doctor and get them to do some mo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Could my postiive mono test be because of an old strain?
Q: A few days ago I tested positive for mononucleosis after a routine blood test. I have absolutely zero symptoms. My doctor was puzzled as well, but said when the complete results come back, it could show to be an “old strain” (although, I’ve never had mono before) or a false postive. Is there a chance I could have active infectious mono with no symptoms?
A: I am confused…why did they test for mono if you had no symptoms?Was it a heterophil antibody test? Or were the tests SPECIFIC for Epstein-Barr virus?Most likely the doc did what’s called a monospot test. Many things can cause false positives…rubella, malaria, hepatitis, lupus, leukemia, or pancreatic cancer.If you really do have Epstein-Barr specific antibodies, you most likely had mono when you were a child. Mono typically produces a mild illness in children, and is often asymptomatic. However, if you have a CURRENT infection and NO symptoms, you are definitely an anomaly!I hope you find answers soon! Take care!
how long does weed stay in blood? Will a mono test findit?
Q: I haven’t smoked in a month -i quit- but my friend megan has mono and my fried erica drank out of megans can, soon after i drank out of erica’s can. Now if i get mono i must get a blood test, so i need to get any exess weed out of my blood because her doctor told her parents. I really need help PLEASE?
A: you’re fine, they’ll test you for mono, NOT weed. if you haven’t smoked in a month, you’d probably be fine anyways
How long does it take for a Mono test to culture?
Q: I am waiting for a Mono and Meningitis tests. But, how long does the Mono culture take to culture?that’s what my doctor said. She said she’s waiting for the Blood test cultures. and if they come out neg, we have to do a spinal tap or Ct Scan.
A: Mono tests don’t culture. it is a blood test – it should come right back (if you are in the ER). Meningitis cultures are spinal fluid cultures & if had the lumbar puncture done in the ER, then you should have your answer about that right away too.
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