How is pneumonia spread

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How is pneumonia spread”,you can compare them.

Illness can spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes on a person,sharing drinking glasses, or eating utensils. ChaCha out [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How is pneumonia spread
Pneumonia occurs when a person’s lungs become inflamed, usually due to a bacterial or viral infection. Some less common causes are fungal infections and parasite invasions. Pneumonia can be found…
Pneumonia is transmitted in the air by coughing, sneezing or talking.
Most cases of pneumonia that are bacterial in origin are not necessarily transmitted from person to person. These bacteria actually reside in people’s normal respiratory tract systems: in their throats, their pharynx, their nose. Everybody …

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Q: I need this for a project and my teacher says it’s okay to use this.
A: Depending on what type it is you can use antibiotics. It’s spread by people who come in contact with others who are sick with it. for example by coughing. Symptoms are coughing, high fever, chills, chest pain, green sputum and lots more! The young and elderly are more prone but healthy people can also get it.
Can you spread pneumonia from one person to another?
A: If it is viral yes, but if not, then you can spread it with the exception that you are running a high fever.
how can you tell the difference between pneumonia and a cold flu and cough?
Q: how long does it take to progress into something serious. like say you get sick start coughing and think you are sick then you make an appointment to see a doctor in a week. can the pneumonia spread super fast and kill you? i mean if you are elderly and you are trying to see a doctor as fast as you can but say you cant get in for a week. or you dont think it is serious… until it is very developed. can it develop in a week?
A: Pneumonia is the lung’s reaction to a bacterial or viral infection in the lungs, and it can develop as quick as a day. If you feel like you have something worse than a cold, then instead of waiting for a Doctor go to an ER or better yet go to a walk-in clinic and let them know of your symptoms. They will do a chest x-ray to determine if you have pneumonia. Signs of pneumonia include a “wet” chest, coughing up sputum that is green or yellow colored and/or foul smelling, shortness of breath, and possible fever. Most common sign is shortness of breath.
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