What are signs of male yeast infection

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In some cases, male yeast infections will be noticeable as a penile yeast infection that has dry cracked skin although the (more) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-of-male-yeast-infection ]
More Answers to “What are signs of male yeast infection
What are the signs of male yeast infection
As much as studies draw a line of exception on male yeast infection as opposed to female yeast infection, this will always happen to men because they always hang around women in one way or another. The instances of men who cohabit with wome…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the siymptooms/signs of a yeast infection and what is a yeast infection in a male?
Q: Can a male get a yeast infection? What r the signs/symptoms? Is there anyhting that will happen to ur ballsDo u get little dots that are itchy on your scrotum if you have a yeast infection?My genitals and butt dont smell
A: Yes men can get yeast infections. You can get a bad smell down there and they can be very painful, especially during intercourse. nothing should have to you testicles. However, you’re going to want to see your pcp to get on some meds to clear it up. This won’t clear up on it’s own, generally.
If a male has a yeast infection with no symptoms how is it cured?
Q: my friend has a yeast infection and has sex with her boyfrend and he shows no signs, how does he make sure he doesnt have it if he did get it from her..?
A: Eat plenty of live yogurt. Yogurt kills yeast
yeast infection??? please help question?
Q: ok my boyfriend has latley for the past 3 days been complaining about his penis being itchy. which i thought might just be a rash. maybe a reaction to a different kind of body wash or soap. however, he’s still complaining about it. there isnt any odour however he has what does looks like a rash on the head of his penis. he is however not circumsized. so i dont know if that has anything to do with it. but i’d like to know if thsi could be an allergic reaction to something. or a yeast infectionand what are some signs of a male yeast infection
A: sadly one of my gfs gave me a yeast infection. there was no rash, basically the skin got dry and cracky on the head in a little patch and fell off like a sunburn, but hard. some chick yeast infection creme fixed it in a week. no sex for two weeks or you will cross infect each other.
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