What foods help with cramps

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Eat a variety of fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and healthful oils but avoid caffeine and alochol. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-foods-help-with-cramps ]
More Answers to “What foods help with cramps
What foods help ease cramps ?
Potassium rich foods will make your cramps ease, but not much. Chocolate, caffeine, salty foods, greasy foods, fried foods, and fatty foods will make your cramps worse.
Are there certain foods that help reduce cramps??
No but any foods that make you gassy will increase the cramps, like greasy or spicy foods, provided you mean during your cycle. Although I absolutely understand you’ll want to be still during the cramps, exercise really does work. Also nice…
What foods help with bloating and cramps?
i find that peppermint tea helps with the bloating and tylenol helps with the cramps..and take a hot bath, or shower..

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are there any foods or techniques to stop cramps while excercising?
Q: Whenever I start running or excercising i usually get cramps, which impacts my workout intensity. So… are there any foods that help stop cramps? Or are there any thing that i can do to stop these? I heard bananas help, are there any other foods?
A: Eat a good meal about two or three hours before you work out, and stop drinking water about an hour beforehand. Of course, drink a tonne once you’re done. I get cramps sometimes too and I find this helps.
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Q: I have some cramps. I’m not sure if they’re bad or not because I’ve never had them before. It just is a cramping in my lower abdomen. It kind of hurts a lot. I can’t use midol;aleve;ect. My dad will guess that i’m on my period. I don’t really want to tell him. (Please, no comments on that). Would maybe crackers work? Anything at all food related/exercise would be appreciated! Thanks!
A: BANANAS! And lots of ice water.
shot in stomach 3 inches of small intestines had to be removed having t stomach cramps what foods to avoid?
Q: having trouble digesting food cramps unbearable about 2 hours after eating notice the problem after eating oranges,process sweats what foods do i need to avoid
A: You are probably experiencing “dumping syndrome”. Check this out:http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/dumping-syndrome/DS00715/
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