What will heal a sty in my eye

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Step1 Wash your hands with soap and water before touching the eye area. Step2 Soak a clean washcloth in warm or hot water… MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-will-heal-a-sty-in-my-eye ]
More Answers to “What will heal a sty in my eye
Will putting a moist, non-herbal tea bag over my eye sty heal it??
Actually, yes. But, more to make it feel better, etc. But, don’t put the tea bag on it. Make some chamomile tea separately, then soak a rag in it, and put that over you eye. I get sties somewhat often do to a person annoying particular eye …
What causes, and can help heal sties in the eyes?
hi Some people say it is a sure sign that your are run down, maybe nead to take or a holiday or rest yourself a little more,others say it can be caused by a ingrowing eyelash. My mother used to suffer terrible with, and i get them on very r…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Will putting a moist, non-herbal tea bag over my eye sty heal it?
A: Actually, yes. But, more to make it feel better, etc. But, don’t put the tea bag on it. Make some chamomile tea separately, then soak a rag in it, and put that over you eye. I get sties somewhat often do to a person annoying particular eye situation I happen to have, which results in it tearing a lot, so I naturally stick my fingers in there, etc. And every now and then it gets infected. Tea always helps. but, use chamomile, because it has anti-swell/arthritic-healing qualities. I know the arthritic healing doesn’t apply to you, but it IS part of chamomile’s nature. Can also use this method for headaches. Good luck. Try not to touch it.
How do i heal a sty…?
Q: Hey. I have a sty on my eye(heeeheeee it rhymes!) and it’s been there for 2 days. it hurts to blink and it hurts to stay closed. i’m doomed. It’s really painful, but no pus can be visible through the skin and nothing has leaked out. What happens if it pops an pus comes out and into my eye? How do i heal it correctly without seeing a doctor first?
A: Use a hot compress, as hot as you can stand it. Make sure you don’t use the same towel or napkin on your face or other eye (and wash your hands before touching your other eye). Do this until the sty comes to a head and drains. It’s not a problem if it drains, just wipe your eye with a tissue and throw the tissue away and wash your hands each time. You’ll be back to normal in a couple of days.
Anyone know any good ways to help an eye sty disappear faster?
Q: I developed an eye sty Sunday at the worst possible time (My prom is this Saturday..)Anyone have a good way to help it heal faster or at least reduce its swelling so that it’s less noticeable?
A: Put a warm, wet washcloth on it a few times a day. It should take away the pain and make it come to head. When it comes to a head it will drain on it’s own over a couple days. Don’t pick at it because that could cause more infection. You should be fine by Saturday. Have fun at prom!
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