Six Easy Tips for Amateur Designers

The endless factors involved in building a website can force anyone to flee, screaming, “It’s too much!” Many entrepreneurs share this frustration, often turning to designers for help. Depending on the level of complexity, most designers agree websites can range from $500 to $25,000. Fortunately, there are skills you can learn independently to lower the cost. The following tips will guide you through the development process, preventing unnecessary spending on design and maintenance.

Take Your Time: Objectives and Planning

Planning is the key to any successful project. Before designing a website, always create a project charter to define the site objectives, scope, timeline, and budget. If a website is planned thoroughly, fewer complications will surface later in the development process.

Know Your Material: Content Inventory

A website without content is like a house without furniture. Carefully assess which content will be published on your site and determine what is still needed. Where larger corporations hire writers to produce quality material, a frugal entrepreneur can cut expenses by generating their own content.

Be Creative: Making it Look Good

No website would be complete without appealing graphics, a stylish layout, and original text. Most successful websites use simple layouts and add a touch of flair using design software. Search the internet for free tools to help you create animated graphics, logos, and interactive elements.

Put It All Together: Construction and Testing

Now that you have the framework and content, combine everything to create a finished website. Every page should be filled with the appropriate images, videos, and text. Before publishing, verify that each page is linked and every application functions properly.

Find Your Niche: Marketing and Advertising

Sharing your site everywhere may seem like the best marketing strategy, but it is more efficient to target specific audiences. Place banners or links in locations directly related to your business to increase traffic. Furthermore, always attach your website URL to emails, business cards, stationary, brochures, and other advertising materials.

It’s a Commitment: Updates and Maintenance

The Web is constantly changing, so be prepared to check your site regularly for broken links and user feedback. Update featured content on a regular basis to ensure the availability of accurate information. Make it a habit to properly maintain your website to ensure long-term success.

The WebpageFX Team, “How Much Should a Web Site Cost,” WebpageFX

Patrick J. Lynch & Sarah Horton, “The Site Development Process,” Web Style Guide

Matt Say, “25+ Free Online Web Design Tools You Should Bookmark,” Shailan

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