Why My Christian Kids CAN Read Harry Potter

Guess what?
I am a Christian.
My children are being raised as Christians. I say that because I also want you to know that we are reading Harry Potter. All of them. Shhhh…. Don’t tell anyone!
I began reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone a few months ago with my daughters (10 and 8). We read every other night or when we can find the time. We read aloud, get into character, laugh at each other, and look forward to what is around the corner for Harry in the next chapter.
The girls love that we have been doing this.They look forward to it and ask me nightly if we have time to read a chapter. Allowing their creativity to flow, imagination to soar, spending time together, and adventuring through a book as a family is anything but DEMONIC.
I have heard church after church throw terrible words at the Harry Potter books and it’s author. This is embarassing for me as a Christian. Children are like clay and as parents we are to mold them. They’re not set in any way of thinking. Our job is to teach, show, and paint the world with them. The church stands behind The Chronicles of Narnia as Christian books (which are, but no less full of magic and fairytale creatures) and yet Harry Potter catches a bad rap because he is a magician? It is still a battle of good versus evil.
Regardless of the church and their stance over this book I will not shelter my children from reading. They have the ability to read and discern, sorting things out in their mind as they grow. Hiding things from them only causes conflict later in life when they don’t understand why you weren’t up front with them about things you were trying to, “protect” them from.

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