Do you lose sense of taste and smell when you smoke

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Smoking interferes with the senses of smell and taste as well as being a contributor to periodontal disease. ChaCha responsibly! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you lose sense of taste and smell when you smoke
Do you lose sense of taste and smell when you smoke
Smoking interferes with the senses of smell and taste as well as being a contributor to periodontal disease. ChaCha responsibly!
Is it true that smokers lose their sense of smell and taste the m…?
They don’t lose taste (there are only 5 different taste sensors) but they do lose their sense of smell. It smell that contributes greatly to our appreciation of food. So smokes food tastes pretty bland.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it true that smokers lose their sense of smell and taste the more they smoke?
Q: and why?
A: They don’t lose taste (there are only 5 different taste sensors) but they do lose their sense of smell. It smell that contributes greatly to our appreciation of food. So smokes food tastes pretty bland.
why would you loose your sense of smell and taste?
Q: I have a friend who is in her 40 s and three months ago she lost her sence of smell and taste she does smoke but has smoked all her life
A: there r many possibilities, u’d better go to see the doctor.
I have sinusitus – any remedies? Constantly losing my sense of smell/taste. Could it be smoking isnt helping?
A: smoking narrows blood vessels so it slows down healing. Plus, smoking does something to decrease your body’s ability to absorb Vitamin C, another healing source your body needs. A sinus infection is hard enough to shake, once I get one they just seem to keep re-emerging and never quite go away. Give your body every opportunity to heal itself and try and not smoke for a while. Good luck!
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