What can I do to gear up to start my diet

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Throw or give away all the food in your home that you cannot have. Keep a photo of you at your top weight on the fridge, and keep the clothes you want to fit into in plain sight. Start an exercise routine in the morning. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-i-do-to-gear-up-to-start-my-diet ]
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What can I do to gear up to start my diet
Throw or give away all the food in your home that you cannot have. Keep a photo of you at your top weight on the fridge, and keep the clothes you want to fit into in plain sight. Start an exercise routine in the morning. ChaCha!

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Q: My friend (the cornfield one) has started doing triathlons. Apparently I suggested it. I feel guilty now and think I’m going to have to make it up to her by joining in. How should I get started?Gear?Diet?Training?I swim and cycle a bit but don’t like running. I’m 6′ tall, weigh 95kg and am reasonably fit for a desk bunny, though there is a lot of scope for improvement.My goal is to be able to finish third from last (I want to just pip my friend and at least one other competitor)Thanks!
A: Sir,I do the Triathlon, well just stopped really but I was 100kg and like you the running is tough. However the gnats and flies do not fair so well in the water, especially in the sea so I made it up in there.You should view the sport slightly differently, you are not competing against everyone else, you are competing against yourself.Gear, who cares. Diet when you are training eat what you like hear your body asking for things and answer it. Training, get running, concentrate on the worst element for some reason the others better by themselves.Your goal is to finish at all, even if it takes all day finish and record the time and then better it next time. In the beginning, unless you are a very powerful swimmer you will not beat your girly, so warn her to wait at the end for you and not go wandering off !
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A: ✿¤·ஐ I am. We stop using protection in January of 08. I think I might of had a chemical miscarriage in August. Not sure. On Christmas day we decided to start ACTUALLY trying. I started taking folic acid, after sex I lay down for 15-20 minutes, and we’ve been ‘trying’ every other day. Between the 17th and 25th I should find out if it happened. Fingers crossed.Good Luck to you! ✿¤·ஐ
On a low carb diet, what can I eat that has fiber?
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A: Ok, first off, I’m not a fan of low-carb diets as they play havok with your arteries. That out of the way, dried apricots, prunes and penuts are all high sources of fibre without containing carbs. X
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