Why today

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It does not state why they chose today to do that, other years it has been on May 6th. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-today ]
More Answers to “Why today
Now, while many of our economies may be at differing levels of development, I would be surprised if we did not all share common challenges and objectives, including the promotion of universal access to communications services, which is the …
This is the first time that I am speaking out publicly against Israeli policy. I was born and raised an American Jew, which means I was raised to reflexively and uncritically support Israel. I became disillusioned years ago, but limited my …
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Why is the Declaration of Independence still important today?
Q: Why is the Declaration of Independence still important today?Give examples from US history to relate with the concepts of the D.O.I.
A: The document itself can be broken down into three parts. It states the philosophy of Government, as the Founders (many of whom participated in the creation of the Constitution as well) saw it, it describes specific instances of how their current government (the King of England and Parliament) were going against that philosophy, and finally declares themselves separated from that government. The importance of the Declaration is only visible to those who understand that philosophy, and see it reflected in the Constitution, because such people are the real hope of the future, as they are the only ones who will be able to ensure that this country remains true to those philosophical principles.One important example of the application of the DOI to the real world is found in the means by which the Constitution was adopted. Once written, it only became effective, by its own terms, if approved by the People themselves. That’s an application of the philosophical premise that “governments derive legitimate power from consent of the governed.” If that principle is still true, then anything government does that is not specifically authorized in the Constitution is illegitimate.
Why do young people today expect to get rich quick and easy?
Q: I work in a company. I had to go to college and all to be able to have my crappy job. But today something happened. A young man with a High School Diploma ONLY applied for an open executive job…As I have understood it, this is common with today’s youth. Man teenagers even think that they will become celebrities.Why is that?
A: Many companies don’t accept people with a high school diploma. Some teenagers don’t believe that. They believe in hard work to become successful.
Why do most people today judge rapidly and not thinking in a critical manner?
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A: Because it requires more effort to judge critically and most people don’t want to spend the time doing that.
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