What causes skin tags and how do you get rid of them

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Skin Tags are cause by excessive rubbing of the skin together. Several ways to remove including nitrogen freezeing and burningthem [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-skin-tags-and-how-do-you-get-rid-of-them ]
More Answers to “What causes skin tags and how do you get rid of them
What causes skin tags and how can i get rid of them??
What is a skin tag? A skin tag is a common, benign condition which consists of a bit of skin that projects from the surrounding skin and may appear attached to the skin. Skin tags can vary quite a bit in appearance. They may be smooth or i…
Why do people get skin tags?
The skin rubs against itself or something else, pulling it out, eventually leading to a little tag
Where do skin tags come from?
Cutaneous (skin)tags are very common benign skin growths that occur most often after midlife. The tags stick out of the skin, and may have a small narrow stalk connecting the skin bump to the surface of the skin. Cutaneous tags are usually …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what causes skin tags and how do i get rid of them?
Q: I have a skin tag on my back and it really annoys me when I wear skirts and tight jeans. What causes these and how do i get rid of them? There was a wives tale going around that if u cut them off u would bleed to death. I know this isnt true, but how do i get rid of it.
A: Some people can be more predisposed to getting skin tags than others. They usually occur in areas that have friction, like near the neck or around armpits. I once had one in my armpit that I cut off myself, and although I didn’t bleed to death, it sure did bleed for a long time! Really the only good way/right way to get rid of skin tags is to have it cut off by a doctor or a dermatologist because they can cauterize to stop bleeding. They can also make sure to remove it with the right tools so that you don’t end up with damage or a scar.
What causes “skin tags,” and does anyone have any ideas to get rid of/avoid them?
Q: Those pesky little “tags” you get on your neck, other areas… They don’t hurt, or seem to cause any major problems, but look bad and seem to multiply………
A: Skin tags are a part of the process of aging usually, throw in some genetics, they are for the most part harmless. a good dermatologist can can spray them with a solution something like dry ice and they will be gone. the worst problem I’ve seen with them is getting caught on clothes or such and getting ripped off.
What causes skin tags and how can i get rid of them?
A: Hi there, I suffer terribly with these, I tend to have them on my neck mainly and a couple on my torso. The most permanent and effective way of removing them is have the doctor “freeze” them off. They shrivel up and drop off. I haven’t heard of any homemade remedy that worked for me, other than if the skin tag is large, then tie a piece of cotton around the base cutting off the blood supply, it is painful, but effective. The freezing method is not painful. I haven’t heard of anything to prevent them so keen to see other answers.
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