What to do for a tooth pain

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What to do for a tooth pain”,you can compare them.

You should see a dentist for tooth pain. Temporary remedies include gargling with warm salt water or putting tea bag on tooth! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-to-do-for-a-tooth-pain ]
More Answers to “What to do for a tooth pain
What to do about tooth pain?
Okay, sweetheart. Your tooth would have broken, no matter what you were eating. When that happens, it’s just time for it to happen. Your tooth was most likely decayed to the point of brittleness. The pain your experiencing will only get wor…
How to Stop Tooth Pain
・ 1 Use the salt water remedy. Mix about two teaspoons of salt in warm water, stirring until dissolved… ・ 2 Use the clove remedy with flossing. Cloves contain eugenol, a natural, powerful numbing and anti-inflammatory… ・ 3 Use the acupr…
How do I get rid of tooth pain?
Your appointment is 1 month away??? Dont live with that pain. Call your dentist, and tell them you would like just the painful widom tooth out ASAP, and can do the rest as scheduled. Dentists leave room in their schedules for emergencies. …

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Q: they really hurt and i no the whole eat and drink cold stuff thing but it really dint work and i have already taken advil and stuff anything ELSE i can do??????
A: You don’t. You just grin and bear it. X]Trust me. I went through interminable pain when I got my braces. I tried everything, but nothing would suffice. It died down after a couple of days, then I forgot I had them.
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A: See if these home-remedies work for you.http://myblogonbeauty.blogspot.com/2006/11/home-remedies-for-tooth-aches.html
What does it mean when you have tooth pain that moves around?
Q: I think I have a sinus infrection, and am on antibiotics, but I have tooth pain that switches one from tooth to the other on the same side. Is it dental or medical?
A: could well be both, complete the course of antibiotics and see if the tooth pain goes away. In the meantime, tylenol will probably help.
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