What do girls need before they start their period

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What do girls need before they start their period”,you can compare them.

To be ready for your period you should learn as much as it as it you can& keep a pad or tampon with you at all times. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-girls-need-before-they-start-their-period ]
More Answers to “What do girls need before they start their period
What do girls need before they start their period
To be ready for your period you should learn as much as it as it you can& keep a pad or tampon with you at all times. ChaCha!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do girls always get pimples before they start their period?
Q: Because I’m worried about being pregnant, because my period is late, so I’m counting on it coming soon. The guy I’m with seems to think my acne is from my period about to start but I’m sure that’s because he won’t admit that he thinks I’m pregnant. Basically, do all females get pimples before they have their period?
A: It is all in your genes and how your body reacts. Mine does not anymore. I am currently 25 but when I first started my period and all through high school I had HORRIBLE acne no matter what we did.
How long to girls usually PMS before they start their period?
Q: My breasts have been hurting for about 3 days. I have no discharge what so ever. I pee alot. But I’m not cramping. I’m only 14. And I haven’t started yet.
A: I have a whole week of PMS, it sucks!I get very hungry, swollen nipples, crave for chocolate, crave for sleep, bloated, and yes I pee a lot too.
Why do girls usually weigh around before they start their period?
Q: My kid sister said that they were learning about it in class today and I didn’t have a answer.
A: It is normal for women/girls to weigh somtimes up to 5 lbs more before their periods, depending on their usual weight.. eg., a very lean girl might only weigh 1-2 lbs before period, a heavier one for her frame would be 3-5 more. Hope that helps.
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