What is a good breathing technique when your tired

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Breathe deeply, from your diaphragm; breathing from your chest won’t relax you. Picture your breath coming up from your “gut.” This will help in times of being tired, angry or upset. ChaCha on. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-breathing-technique-when-your-tired ]
More Answers to “What is a good breathing technique when your tired
What is a good breathing technique when your tired
Breathe deeply, from your diaphragm; breathing from your chest won’t relax you. Picture your breath coming up from your “gut.” This will help in times of being tired, angry or upset. ChaCha on.
When you’re running for exercise and you begin to get tired, what…?
when the race begins i inhale in my nose out my mouth when i get fatigue i use my mouth since its the biggest hole in my face to get air in faster the only thing i dont like about it is it takes more energy to do that and you got to think a…

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when you’re running for exercise and you begin to get tired, what breathing techniques can you use ?
Q: like so you dont stop. like i see all the runners at the track near my house go for like 20,30 mintues at the same speed. i kNOW they have to be tired, but how do they keep going. i want to know so someday i can be like that.
A: when the race begins i inhale in my nose out my mouth when i get fatigue i use my mouth since its the biggest hole in my face to get air in faster the only thing i dont like about it is it takes more energy to do that and you got to think about it.
Can someone explain the breathing technique of boxing and MMA?
Q: i know that when you fight in MMA,you have to use a breathing technique so you dont get tired so fast,like when they make that ssshh sound when they punch and kick,can anyone explain that and how i can practice it when i punch on a heavy bag?
A: The technique that they use is they exhale with every strike. They make the ssshh sound because it seems like it creates a stronger strike than just a strong breath. Both breaths work the same, just figure out what your preferences. I am using the regular breath and not the “shhh.” I find that it gives my hits a more smooth feel and stronger finish. However, during combinations, it is better to take one breath and let it out for the whole combo. This will help link the hits together. Taking these breaths just insure that the fighter will not hold their breath when they strike or not breath enough. Breathing is essential in boxing and MMA. Hope this helps, good luck!
What is a good swimming technique that can help my breathing while swimming in a fast rate?
Q: I need to get a better way of helping my breathing because I get really tired after doing a 100
A: you should breath every stroke in a 100 free because youneed to get as much air as possible to your legs aspossible. but only if you have good breathing technique. if you look at olympians swiming the 100 free they breath everystroke but their mouth dosen’teve ncome out of the waterit is because they have developed an airpocket to breathinthis is a lot faster i’ve tried it. but don’t breath in to a flip turn because the oxygen dosen’t have time to make itsway down to your legs before you flip so its notworth the energy. and you’d of wasted a valueble time each breath takes upabout 1.5 seconds so by havingan effeicent breath you can make breathing worth while hope that helps!
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