What is putting a stent in a heart

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The heart stent is one of the near miracles in medical innovation. A stent is a small expandable mesh that opens into the shape of a tube inside an artery. In heart surgery, the first truly corrective surgeries involved opening the chest and a limb. A MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-putting-a-stent-in-a-heart ]
More Answers to “What is putting a stent in a heart
What does it mean to get a stent put into your heart??
They thread a little wire mesh tube through a vein in your leg up to the artery that is clogged. It has a little baloon on the end of it and when it gets to the artery they inflate the baloon which pushes the clogs in the artery to the si…
What is a stent? My Pop had one put in after he had a heart attac…?
A stent is a small metal mesh tube that acts as a scaffold to provide support inside your coronary artery. A balloon catheter, placed over a guide wire, is used to insert the stent into the narrowed coronary artery. Once in place, the ballo…
Does a coronary stent or defibrillator effect atrial fibrillation…?
The role of a coronary stent is to keep the heart arteries open. A defibrillator treats certain abnormal rhythms that arise from the lower chambers of the heart (the ventricles). But neither play a direct role in treatment of atrial fibrill…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How Long Does A Heart Stent Last For?
Q: My Grandma has recently has a stent put in her heart and is wondering how long it will last and will it need to be replaced?Thanks,Chloe an her Grandma 🙂
A: They last forever. What CAN happen is that they clog up. That can be months or years. The time depends on the patient and other factors.
why would leg bleed for heart stent procedure?
Q: my grandmother had to have a heart stent put in yesterday, i have not been able to go see her yet but her children called and told me they cant send her home because her leg wont stop bleeding. i dont understand why her leg is bleeding in the first place with a heart stent i have asked several times why this is happening and no one gives me answers. thanks in advance for any info!
A: It’s because they insert the catheter and stent through the femoral artery on the inside of the thigh. They do this because it’s a huge artery and it splits from the abdominal aorta which goes in a straight path up to the aorta, where the coronary arteries (where the stent is placed) branch from.It seems weird and convoluted, but it’s actually the easiest way to get to the heart since it’s basically a straight line (you’d have to make lots of twists and turns if you went through the arm, you want to avoid messing with things near the head, and going in through the chest would be much more traumatic than the leg).The femoral artery is notorious for heavy bleeding too, so it’s not unusual that your grandmother is still at the hospital. Especially since, as Silly said, she was probably given anticoagulants to prevent blood clotting during the procedure. Your grandmother is in good hands, though. They want to keep her there in order to keep an eye on her leg, make sure it’s properly bandaged, and give her more blood if she needs it.I know it’s frustrating when you can’t get answers to your questions in a situation like this. I hope this info helps, and I hope your grandmother gets well soon 🙂
I’m having a stent put in my heart Friday and needed to know a few things…How do they insert the stent/ Is i
Q: Is having a stent put in like my heartcath/ Just not sure of anything…Just know I have to stay over night..Will I be able to go home the next day and feel good?
A: Yeah, its just like a heart cath. You will have to lie flat for 6 hours afterwards to allow the femoral artery to seal off the insertion site. You should feel ok the next day after pain/sedation meds wear off. May have some lightheadedness, soreness in groin. Must be careful & not lift anything greater than 10lbs. Follow Dr’s instructions. You will need to take it easy for a little while. Good Luck.RN
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