How do you get rid of eye twitches

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Take you index finger and press firmly right above the brim of your nose between your eyebrows. Continue to press for 5-10 MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of eye twitches
How do you get rid of an eye twitch?
You have received several good answers on this. I, too suffer from the occasional twitch. Sometimes in the muscles of my arm or legs, sometimes facial. The best way is exercise. Get out and get active. Find something you enjoy very much and…
What causes eye twitching and how can you get rid of it??
Eye twitches are commonly known as Blepharospasm. They can be annoying, but they are generally harmless. Involuntary spasms in the muscles of the eyelid causes eye twitch. Eye twitches often occur randomly and infrequently and will last for…
How do you get rid of a twitch in your eye?
I have had occasional eye twitches for most of my 45 years and always the reason was lack of adequate sleep. If I rest up they go away. When they start I know I’ve been pushing it too hard. Take a nap and go to bed early or sleep in on a da…

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Does anyone have suggestions of ways to get rid of eye tics/ twitches?
Q: im seventeen years old and have bad eye tics, its controllable to a certain point but i cant seem to make them go away… i’ve had different tics growing up but they always went away. Ive had this one for about 3 years now. Im not on any medications and havnt been diagnosed with anything but anxiety when i was younger. Please let me know if you have any advise of making it go away.
A: my oldest son has Tourettes Syndrome and had facial tics/grimacing-you ought to see a neurologist!!!
Anything to get rid of eye twitches?
Q: I have had a constant twitching in my left eye… and its bugging the heck out of me. lol I have been getting enough sleep… my stress level is normal…. any other reason why I could be getting them?… It has been going on for about an hour. Is there anything I can do for them?
A: It may be a vitamin or mineral issue. Do you take vitamins? I have fibromyalgia and we get muscle twitches and muscle cramps all the time. I have found that a calcium/magnesium/zinc blend stops all my muscle cramps and twitches.
How can I get rid of and eye twitch?
Q: For the past couple days I’ve had a twitch in the left bag of my eye how can I get rid of it, also it seems to get worst by the day, also can it be something else?
A: ya no, this is quite funny i was going to ask same question weeks ago.. just thought maybe someone would think im daft lol. after i had my son i kept getting an eye twitch several times a day lasting 30 Min’s at a time, (it gets worse) some times, especially when i sneezed it would start again and then my eyelid would shut half over my eye as though someone had their finger on my eye lid pulling it down. (lol) after a few weeks of putting up with this i went to the docs, she laughed and said its a nerve behind my eye and it will sort itself out in time so i had to put up with putting my head down when it started if talking to someone, so embarrassing. unfortunately threes nothing u can do..mine .. well.. its GONE!! LOL
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