What is the name of a strong muscle relaxer

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the name of a strong muscle relaxer”,you can compare them.

The drug “Soma” is considered to be a very strong muscle relaxant. Have a great day! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-name-of-a-strong-muscle-relaxer ]
More Answers to “What is the name of a strong muscle relaxer
What if I took a strong muscle relaxer and a Red Bull.?
It’s probably not the best idea. Because Red Bull is an energy drink full of caffeine and sugar, you be really hyper, but because of the muscle relaxant, which I have taken before, you won’t be able to move. You probably won’t feel the rela…
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There has been numerous studies trying to decide if one skeleton muscle-relaxer is more powerful or better than the others. It truly boils down to the specific region the pain is located, some muscle relaxants work better for the lower back…
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If you are near the Canadian border (or hold a friend who lives in Canada), you can draw from Robaxin over the counter. It’s a product called Robaxacet, and it have several different combinations. I personally similar to Robax Platinum – …
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