What is the New anti anxiety medicine

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Newer, non-benzodiazepine anxiety medications include: SSRI’s (Zoloft, Lexapro), BuSpar, and Vistaril (an antihistamine). ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-new-anti-anxiety-medicine ]
More Answers to “What is the New anti anxiety medicine
How do I go about getting new medicine for anxiety?
Ask your doctor to switch your medication. Paxil is effective and can be combined with Seraquel to treat conditions such as yours. Let your doctor know Zoloft is not helping you.
Can new med for anxiety make OCD worse at first?
through a very bad time. So did I when I started taking Luvox . I felt irritated, annoyed, and just wanted time … better but not great. I could never tell if the Luvox was working because you can’t feel it….I too had … emotional break…
What causes Medical News Summaries About Anxiety ?
The following medical news items are relevant to causes of Anxiety: Childhood asthma is a chronic problem Children with endocrinal disorders suffer greater stress from bullying Coffee and health COPD takes its toll Coughing issues Depressio…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What anti anxiety medicine has the least side effects?
Q: What did you take and how were the side effects? Thanks!P.s. I know everyone reacts differently to certain medicine!
A: none of benzodiazepines have much side effects except tiredness, but you get used to it after about a week.I take clonazepam 3 x per day w/ no problems.
Does Bliss: Anti-Stress Formula have any complexity with anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medicine?
Q: It is reguarding the anxiety caused by depression. The doctor prescribed seroquel (150mg/day) and Remeron (30 mg/day). Seroquel has been taken for 1 month, but the anxiety is still strong. In this case, can bliss: anti-stress formula be helpful? Can it be taken together with other medicine without consulting the doctor?
A: I’ve just started taking Bliss for my stress and anxiety. I started it two days ago, and so far it seems to be working, though it’s subtle. It doesn’t hit me like a drug, but I haven’t felt anxious the way I normally do for the last couple of days, so I think it’s doing the trick!Plus I feel good that it’s an herbal supplement. I hope that helps, good luck!As for the two being taken together, I would ask the doctor just in case, or perhaps do some more research before mixing the two.
What is the safest anti anxiety medicine to get online?
Q: recently Ive been having bad cases of anxiety, usually when I have to make presentation or talking to the boss. Its usually shaky hands, turning red, and sometimes wanting to faint. So basically what are the safest brands out there with few side effects?
A: Why would you medicate for normal anxiety? Adrenaline and anxiety get you keyed up and help you perform better when under stress. It’s part of being human. If your anxiety is affecting your ability to function normally, then you need to see a specialist. It’s unsafe to use Yahoo! Answers advice to choose online meds.
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