What is validation therapy

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The idea behind validation therapy is to “validate” or accept the values of a dementia person in order to treat them. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-validation-therapy ]
More Answers to “What is validation therapy
Is the validation therapy you employed at Maplewood gaining groun…?
Not fast enough. A man wrote to me a while ago after finishing the book. His mother had Alzheimer’s, he told me, and he was angry and frustrated because he had to keep reminding her, every day, that her husband was dead. She would start t…
How to Talk to an Elder with Dementia Using Validation Therapy, R…?
If you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia, then you know how difficult it can be to communicate with him or her. Maybe there are good or bad days. Maybe there are…Read entire article » Related Articles
Is Validation a therapy?
The word therapy has different meanings in different countries and languages. Validation is not a therapy in the sense that it does not heal the client or ‘make them better’. In Validation, the person is accepted just as he or she is in the…

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Why does God need our praise? Why does God need existentialist validation therapy through his Creation?
A: Praising the Almighty is a form of worship intended to be therapeutic to believers. Praise asserts personal beliefs in God, and establishes the importance of His presence in the lives of men. Women, too. It’s a kind of ongoing profession of faith.God doesn’t ‘need’ praise to confirm His majesty. WE need to praise God for OUR sakes, but our love must surely please the Father, just like that of children everywhere.I hope you realize, God is not flawed. Humanity has the need. God has fulfillment.Peace, gayman.
Is there a scientific reason for astrology working other than validation?
Q: I think from a psychological standpoint, there might be some therapy in validation. Even that is more like wishful thinking. Is there any scientific reason that has been found in recent studies? I looked online and only found older studies which seem biased both pro and con.
A: Try to find anything or anywhere astrology does better than chance. Or better than other alternatives. Bet you can’t find one. From a psychological point of view, do you have to assume that the “western” type of astrology is the valid one? How is this known? There is no science for why astrology can work. But there is science for why it can’t.
TRANSGENDERS: When you changed to become the opposite sex, did you have hormone therapy and did it change you?
Q: I heard a woman who had to have Testosterone treatment say “She instantly understood men” when she went on it.Apart from any physcial change, did you feel emotionally any different (I don’t mean from the validation of the change I mean did you feel like the opposite sex more)?Did you suddenly “Get it”?Do you feel more “normal”?If you hid it before do you hide it now?Do you think the surgery, hormones, counselling or the not being what you were (as opposed to what you became) played the most part in your change?Straight but interested in sensible answers for what is for a straight guy a pretty sensible question.Sorry TRANSSEXUAL.. right.But also interested in Transgender ideas.By “GET IT” I mean completely understand the Opposite sex (medically opposite.. er… I think you get what I mean!)
A: I began hormone therapy in 2001. I was 21 at the time. Within a few days I began to feel more comfortable with myself. My personality was/is still the same, but I am less prone to anger, and I wasn’t depressed about being ‘male’. I didn’t just ‘get it’ because I was already a woman anyway, so no, I didn’t ‘feel’ more like a woman because I already was one. Did I feel more ‘normal’? To that I would have to say yes because my hormones were now ‘normal’ for a woman.Surgery made me feel complete. I woke up from it thinking ‘I’m still me!’ and promptly fell back to sleep. It was a very tiring process. Today, it’s something that I never think about, and it seems very surreal. I’m glad it’s over with and I can get about the business of life.
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