What is the most toxic drug ever

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The most toxic drugs are intravenous heroin and surprisingly the spice nutmeg, this is based on the ratio of effective dose (how much it takes to feel it) vs. the fatal dose. the least toxic drug is marijuana. ChaCha for now [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-toxic-drug-ever ]
More Answers to “What is the most toxic drug ever
What is a Drug toxicity?
In toxicology, the median lethal dose, LD 50 (abbreviation for “Lethal Dose, 50%”), LC 50 (Lethal Concentration, 50%) or LCt 50 (Lethal Concentration & Time) of a toxic substance or radiation is the dose required to kill half the member…
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Does the war on drugs preven drug abuse and crime at all?
Q: That debate that goes along with all due political activity should never be imposed on the spirit of the Law. To borrow a line from Teopharastus, I would say that some drugs might turn out to be toxic, but this is always due to a lack of familiarity, and it is precisely this familiarity which robs them of their venom ever since they cease to intoxicate when our “constitution” has accepted them and “prevails” over them. Teopharatus tell us about this in his Historia Plantatione, but I honestly believe this is the spirit of the Law that should prevail. By Roman standards “drug” was a rather indifferent word, since it meant both what was meant to kill and to cure, but the Lex Cornelia only punished what was used to kill. As warrants of civil order and prosperity, criminal law and prosecution should only appear on stage when third parties are involved and the damage has already been done, never before, since we cannot make up for injuries that never took place. So far, it is all too clear to me that in fighting against drugs we are doing nothing but publicizing them; and this is a very dangerous thing to do, since our judicial body must always be placed above everything else. It is no wonder to me this social paranoia regarding all of that that has something to do with drug use or abuse-I surely can understand it-but I do not think a panic stricken mother should dictate the law to those responsible for preserving it. It is up to the Law to regulate and prevail over individuals; not the other way around.
A: ~legalize all and tax it~
Has anyone in Canada ever been able to sue the makers of PAXIL for long term damage?
Q: Has anyone had long term effects from the use of Paxil or became toxic as a result of taking this drug?
A: yes I have severe PANES (persistent adverse neurological effects following SSRI discontinuation) email me if you want to compare notes, there have been lots of law suits, but usually something very tragic happened and it’s the family that is left initiating the law suit, there are also class action suits that find the drug companies at fault, but class action means a huge group is suing so the financial reward has to be split, so each participant only gets a very small percentage
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