When is the worst time to get a girl pregnant, before or after her period

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “When is the worst time to get a girl pregnant, before or after her period”,you can compare them.

Pregnancy is most likely to occur 2 weeks before the first day of your period. Your chances are slim when you are not ovulating. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-is-the-worst-time-to-get-a-girl-pregnant%2C-before-or-after-her-period ]
More Answers to “When is the worst time to get a girl pregnant, before or after her period
When is the worst time to get a girl pregnant, before or after he…?
Pregnancy is most likely to occur 2 weeks before the first day of your period. Your chances are slim when you are not ovulating.

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A: the day before she gets her period you are almost guaranteed that she cant get pregnant. she is most fertile about 2weeks into her cycle, so about 2 weeks before she gets her next period.
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Q: well its clear that she wont be pregnant but will it have any bad effect on her health? will she not have any change in her body?i haven’t experienced it personally.its a general doubt which i have got. so i want good answers. any bad answers would be reported.
A: Well you do ovulate prior to your period starting so its possible to get pregnant without having your very 1st period
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Q: my girlfriends breasts have been sore and tender for about a week and a half and it only got worse but her period isnt due for another week and we’ve been having unprotected sex for almost 2months…….wat do you think the chances of her being pregnant is…..she says she thinks she’s pregnant because she never gets sore breasts even before her period..please give me good information
A: Well if your not using protection I would say chances are high. Best way to tell would be to buy a test!
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