America: The Next Titanic?

Simply put America is full of opinions.

Opinions either link us together or break could-be bonds. We’ve truly lost sight of what this country was founded upon. Freedom. These freedoms are now controlled by the elite few whom we elect!

The government has become so large that it is spending this country into a morbid debt! Yet here we sit, better even — here I sit. A concerned citizen, with an opinion: the government is meant to be a small part of a country. It has spent us into further debt than any one person could accrue in many lifetimes. Let me put it into perspective: we are 15 trillion dollars in debt. That is $15,000,000,000,000.00. There are roughly 330 million Americans. Do the math: 15,000,000,000,000/ 330,000,000. What did you get? I got $45,454.54! Just to break even every American would have to pay $45,454.54! I don’t know about you but that could be a car or a down payment on a house.

So why all the spending? Back in 2000 our economy was plus 236 billion dollars! Fast forward and we’ve got this massive mound of debt, so again what happened? Bush and Obama happened. Bush set a precedent of spending and Obama expounded upon that. Everything from bailouts to massive budget expansions they’ve truly driven this country into debt.

We as Americans are sitting back trying to make it, trying to find jobs and keep them. While our government keeps adding onto their power with bureaucracies and unrelentingly spending your great great grandchild’s dime! We have a voice. Did you forget that? You have a voice. You have opinions. You have the power to change this country.

So what are we lost Americans supposed to do? Stop fighting. Who cares what group you are apart of. We are a nation of free individuals being controlled under a guise of “our best interests”. Occupiers need to come together with the Tea Party and we need to end this madness! We’re all fighting for the same thing: freedom from oppression! Oppression of the government; who is essentially the Big Man. Let us not get caught up in the words, and let us fight an honest fight. Don’t you want your country back?

In conclusion, I urge you to become educated on all matters of this country. It doesn’t matter where you are from, who you know, or what party you are affiliated with; this country is a sinking ship. Would you go about your day if you were physically on a sinking ship? No, you wouldn’t. You’re human and you have the means to survive. So let us not sit back and wait for this ship to sink, we have the means to survive. All it starts with is one opinion and we can change this country for the better.

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