Was Jesus a Good Example for Christians?

Answer: For the most part, I think he was. He was extremely compassionate, even though he didn’t practice everything he preached.

If your example of a good Christian, has more to do with your illusion, of Jesus as an extremely compassionate, giving, loving and intelligent person, then you might have a problem.

If your example of a good Christian is more about someone who lived a pretty good life and did a few good things, then you’re right on the money.

If that’s the case, then my grandmother would have been a good example, for Christians to follow, also. She did a few good things and lived a pretty good life and was an excellent example for her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

However, there’s a big difference between the life of my grandmother and the life of Jesus. I can actually validates some of my grandmother’s experiences, because I’ve witnessed them, but haven’t had the same luxury, with Jesus.

So before I continue, you need to understand where I’m coming from. Most of the information we know about Jesus, can’t be validated. Some of the information is even from second or third party individuals and would be considered hearsay, in a court of law.

All of the information I’m going to provide you with, about the life of Jesus or an example of him, as the ideal Christian, comes entirely, from information that hasn’t been validated and would be difficult, to validate.

We’ve heard plenty of stories about Jesus healing and feeding other people and even brought one person back to life, who was dead. He cured a couple of people of leprosy and even gave someone back their sight.

Jesus did a lot of good things and in my opinion, would be more than a good example, he would be an excellent example. Even though most of us won’t have the same opportunities, Jesus had, we can still follow his lead.

We can be compassionate and loving individuals and we don’t need to belong to any organization, like Christianity, to do it. We don’t need to donate 10% of our earnings or read a book, that’s filled with errors and confusion.

In other words, what I’m trying to say is that Jesus would be a good example for most of us to follow.

Now for the bad news, I don’t remember Jesus ever working or paying for anything. He was a drifter, wanderer and today we would even refer to him as a homeless person.

Jesus wasn’t tied down, didn’t have any children and wasn’t married, according to the Bible. This was one of the reasons why he could travel around and do as he pleased.

I don’t know if this would be a good example, because obviously, someone needs to work, otherwise the fields would never get harvested, cows would never get milked and clothes would never get made.

According to the Bible, Jesus didn’t have a job, even though this doesn’t mean, he never worked. However, it leads us to our next problem, Jesus made a living, traveling and telling stories, but if everyone did that, then we wouldn’t have any food, shelter or clothes.

A guess what I’m trying to say is Jesus was a good example to a few, but wouldn’t be a good example for everyone. It wouldn’t make a lot of sense, for every Christian on the planet, to quit their jobs tomorrow and start spreading the gospel.

Now for the second problem, Jesus wasn’t as compassionate as everyone makes him out to be. According to a few Bible verses, Jesus got mad at the money changers and tipped their tables over.

This doesn’t make a lot of sense, because Jesus is also the person who said that we should love our enemies. Even though I don’t consider this to be a loving act, it fits into Christianity.

I’ve met plenty of Christians who claim to love their enemies, yet would do something like Jesus did, to the money changers, when push comes to shove.

Jesus will always be a good example, but Christians should look at him for what he truly was and no more. Jesus lost his temper and even lied, while he was alive.

He made promises that were never kept and said things that weren’t true. I know this is hard for most Christians to listen to and I don’t mean to offend anyone, but it’s the truth.

Jesus was a good example, but so was my grandmother.

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