Safety Tips for Children Ages Five to Nine

Young children are full of energy. This means that they can and will get into things, will run around lot and may have a lot of accidents. This also means parents need to step up their safety precautions to keep their children of this age safe. Here are some tips on how they can do this.

Don’t Forget Booster Seat

Yes, your child may argue. Your child may also whine. But until your child is the exact weight and height to wear the car safety belt, they need to sit on a booster seat. This usually means a child has to be at 4 foot 9 inches tall and of average weight.

Some other safety questions to consider before establishing whether your child is safe to wear a seat belt instead of sitting on a booster seat are:

Will the child’s knees bend naturally over the car seat’s edge? Does the belt sit low at his lips and doesn’t land at his stomach? Does the shoulder strap lie at the shoulder or does it hit him in the face or neck?

Do Not Allow The Child to Cook or Microwave Unattended

Yes, you want to start teaching your child how to be independent. This may mean that you want to start teaching your child how to do some chores in the kitchen. You may even want to teach them how to make sandwiches and even how to use the microwave. However, never allow the child to use the microwave when you are not in attendance. He can still burn himself on foods from the microwave and even from the plates coming out of the microwave.

Keep Cleaners Out Of The Child’s Reach

The child still may be curious about cleaners and other toxic items. He may decide to try to do some chores by himself that involves these items. For this reason, you should keep these chemicals and anything toxic out of his reach.

Teach Your Child To Be Aware Of The Stranger Policy

Yes, you want your child to be friendly. Yet, you don’t want your child to believe that every stranger is his friend. Teach him to be polite. Yet, tell him that strangers are not our friends. For this reason we should not tell them intimate details about ourselves. Also teach him that if a stranger touches him or try to become too friendly, to quickly get away from that person and if need be to get attention of another adult.

Most of all, teach your child that the police and the firemen are people can he trust.

Yes, children ages 4 and 9 can be active. Yet, to a point we can protect them, especially if consider some safety tips that can prevent accidents from occurring in the first place.


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