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Do you have your period while you’re pregnant

Health related question in topics While Pregnant .We found some answers as below for this question “Do you have your period while you’re pregnant”,you can compare them.

A:Vaginal bleeding is not always a period (menses). It is common to have vaginal bleeding while pregnant but it is not a period. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/do-you-have-your-period-while-you%27re-pregnant ]
More Answers to “Do you have your period while you’re pregnant
no, i am sure of this because my sister is now pregnant and she is always teasing me because she doesnt have any
With my second pregnancy I had three regular periods, but my mother had six periods with her first pregnancy and didn’t realize she was pregnant until my brother kicked at six months. We both had boys.
Yes, some women experience a period when they are pregnant. It is not common and not likely to happen. ChaCha more!

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when you have your period while you’re pregnant, do you still get cramps??
Q: I think I may be pregnant now, but I got my period today. It’s not like normal (like how I used to get it when I hadn’t had sex). Say that I am pregnant, and I have my period (WHICH IS POSSIBLE so don’t say that it’s not), would I still feel cramps or not? I haven’t had a pregnancy test, (my husband does not want to take one until new years). If any moms out there have any real life stories to share about how it felt when they had their period while pregnant, that would be very helpful!
A: Okay please let me answer this honestly…It IS okay to have a period the WHOLE time you are pregnant. I had a period the WHOLE nine months of my second pregnancy, and I had a healthy baby. There is noexplanation of why some women do, but I know VERY a few that have had this experience. It’s not like a normal period though, light spotting around the time of your period. Also if this is the FIRST time you bled since you thought you was pregnant, it COULD be implanation, thats when you bleed a light spottting, with minor cramps, that means you ARE pregnant if it is implanation, I would atleast wait 2 more weeks to test. You could start implanation around 6-12 days after getting pregnant. Please dont listen to these other answer who only seem to BASH the idea of having a period when being pregnant. IT IS POSSIBLE. So yeah girl, good luck & lots of baby dust to you!
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Q: I heard that a girl has a better chance of becoming pregnant while she’s on her period because thats when she is most fertile. Is that true?
A: No, she is most fertile days after ovulation…not saying woman CAN NOT get prego on her period, but women have a period to get rid of the dead egg and uterine lining after an egg isnt fertilized!Here ya go….Ovualation and Pregnancy 101Key Facts of Ovulation:An egg lives 12-24 hours after leaving the ovary Normally only one egg is released each time of ovulation Ovulation can be affected by stress, illness or disruption of normal routines Some women may experience some light blood spotting during ovulation Implantation of a fertilized egg normally takes place 6-12 days after ovulation Each woman is born with millions of immature eggs that are awaiting ovulation to begin A menstrual period can occur even if ovulation has not occurred Ovulation can occur even if a menstrual period has not occurred Some women can feel a bit of pain or aching near the ovaries during ovulation called mittelschmerz, which means “middle pain” in German If an egg is not fertilized, it disintegrates and is absorbed into the uterine lining
Can you get your period when you’re pregnant?
Q: My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex 2 months and I’ve had the classic symptoms and still do. My symptoms include breast tenderness, fatigue, mood swings, bloating, and frequent urination. I’ve been gaining weight like crazy like clothes I bought 2 months are tight on me and I know you can’t gain weight that quickly without something being wrong. And I have the feeling of ‘being pregnant’ so I don’t know if thats some phantom pregnancy. And I’ve gotten my period past 2 months so my question is can you still get your period while pregnant? I read about it and documents I’ve read that all girls are different.
A: It could be possible…. HIGHLY unlikely though. Most women don’t have their period while pregnant.
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