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Do your period start after blood shows on your underwear

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A:Abnormal vaginal bleeding is any vaginal bleeding unrelated to normal menstruation.Menstruation occurs every 21 to 35 days.ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/do-your-period-start-after-blood-shows-on-your-underwear ]
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Do your period start after blood shows on your underwear
Abnormal vaginal bleeding is any vaginal bleeding unrelated to normal menstruation.Menstruation occurs every 21 to 35 days.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are periods for women?
Q: I’ve seen a lot of people asking questions like this and I’m here to clean everything up. Please if your a boy and your too young to have a serious girlfriend then don’t read this. Here is some vocabulary:Periods- A lot of mothers don’t tell their daughters because they were never told, and if that is happening to you then you need to read this. If you have noticed your breasts growing or you are getting hair down there, then your probably getting ready to start your period. A period is the menstrual cycle, and it means that you are now able to produce a baby. When a new egg comes to your uterus about every 28 days your uterus shreds the tissue, which means that you bleed. When you go to the bathroom you will see some blood on your underwear, if you don’t have any pads on you then get some toilet paper and tell your mother or if your nervous just try to find some small pads in your mothers bathroom. If your at school do the same thing with the toilet paper but go down to the nurses office. Don’t be embarrassed!Pads- These are great for when you are first starting your period. They are a thing made out of cotton that you put in your underwear that trap the blood so it doesn’t leak through your clothes. Make sure you put the sticky side down. Don’t put it on the side with your vagina, I did that once and it HURT when I had to peel it off. Change these every 2-4 hours. That’s what I do.Tampons- This is a great invention but I wouldn’t use them until after about 2 years of having your period, because most girls start around 11, you might not be ready for them. These are where you take one of the tampons and gently place it up into your vagina. Make sure you read the diagram so you can get the right hole, or have a trusted female be in the room with you to instruct you. I haven;t used these yet but my mom said that they are usually good for about 4-6 hours. Do not under any circumstances leave one in there all night because you could forget about it and get TSS(Toxic Shock Syndrome). My aunt left one in there until her next cycle because she forgot about it. She was lucky she didn’t get TSS,Menstrual cup- I’m not entirely sure what this is but I beleive I can get something from things I’ve read. This is something you place inside your vagina like a tampon that traps the blood. These can be good for a long time before you have to get another. Just make sure you take it out and wash it after every use. Personally I think they are gross, but thats just my opinion.Sex- I can’t tell you anything about this one but I can give you some tips:1. If you want to know ask a trusted adult like a mom or dad and they will probably tell you whats right for your age.2. Do not google or type in here, ” What is Sex?” You might get some wacky answers that you don’t need to know about, or innocently click on something thats totally innapropriate. Well I hope I helped, I’m only 11 so I had to scrounge up stuff from my mom, this weird video they showed us on periods at school, a puberty book I have, and just my knowledge.Diane, I know that its supposed to be a question but I just didn’t want people looking up stuff anymore because they can get some twisted answers.Diane, I know that its supposed to be a question but I just didn’t want people looking up stuff anymore because they can get some twisted answers.
A: Your intentions are good, but it’s not good to give information on things that you don’t know yourself, there is a lot of misinformation online, and certainly on this community (!!), but it’s good for people to ask a lot of people for different responses as no one knows everything, it’s also good to look online for reliable web sites, like Scarleteen http://www.scarleteen.com (check it out!). Boys also need to know about these subjects as much as girls! As for menstrual cups; to clarify they are bell-shaped cups made from silicone, rubber or thermoplastic elastomer that you insert into your vagina to collect menstrual flow. Cups are folded, inserted and you twist to create a light seal, to remove simply squeeze the bottom and pull out. You may think they’re gross, that’s your opinion, but they are actually far more hygienic than tampons or most pads, not to mention there is nothing gross about your body or menstruation, so no reason to think cups are gross. Women use them because they are far safer and more hygienic than tampons as they don’t encourage bacterial growth, prevent normal vaginal cleaning, dry out the vagina or contain harmful chemicals as tampons do – no risk of TSS, vaginal infections or any other health risks associated with tampon use, they have also been shown to lessen cramps and flow in comparison to tampons. As cups are safer it means they can be worn for up to 12 hours at a time safely and without any leaking, including from light to heavy flow, overnight, before menstruation and during sports like swimming – they are more convenient and ideal for young women, women with heavy flow and active women. Cups are safe, clean, hygienic, mess-free, fuss-free, convenient, comfortable, easy to use, reliable, environmentally friendly, body-positive, cheap and companies are ethical. Most pads aren’t made out of cotton, only organic pads like Cottons and cloth pads like Lunapads are made from cotton where as commercial pads like Always are made from rayojn and other synthetics thus why they are more uncomfortable, cause odour and aren’t as healthy, and different pads are used different ways. Tampons shouldn’t be worn at night at all as when laying down less flow goes down into the tampons, meaning that tampons absorb more vaginal fluids leading to drying that causes splitting and ulceration so higher risk of TSS and vaginal infections, a hell of a lot of women would argue with you about your opinion that they’re a great invention, many women these days boycott them because of their risks and immoral manufacturers.
Period last month, not this month…?
Q: Okay, before you read the question and answer, “well no, you can’t be pregnant,” that’s not what I am asking. I am wondering if anything like this has happened to anyone here on Y!Answers. From what I’ve read, it can happen. I just wanna know if it happened to you.My husband and I are TTC. The month of June, we timed everything right. I spotted for 4 days before my period finally came (that’s normal for me, but I was hoping it was implantation bleeding). AF showed up about a day early and lasted 3 days, ending with one last day of spotting. I was leaving for the entire month of July and we knew we would miss an opportunity for that month. The day I left (July 4th) was the day I started my period. I got up that morning, took the test (negative) and got what I assume was my period a few hours later.Fast forward to mid-July when I am out of state. It’s ovulation time and I always spot for 1-2 days pre-ovulation. I spotted for 6 DAYS. Not heavy, just enough to stain my underwear and I needed to wear a pantyliner. I didn’t think too much of it, except, gosh, glad we weren’t trying this month because it would really confuse me to see that much blood mid-month.Now, here it is, August 5. My cycle is usually 28-32 days. I usually cramp 4-5 days before I start to bleed and I always spot at LEAST a day before my period, usually 2-3 days before it comes. It is cycle day 34 for me, and no period symptoms. In the past two years, I have had a 35 day cycle three times, but I spotted for many days before I got my period and had the telltale warning cramps. This time I have nothing. Nada.My question is not “Am I pregnant?”- I’m going to go take a test to find that out if she doesn’t show by Saturday. My question is: Did any of you ladies have a “period” the first month after you conceived and not realize that you were pregnant? I don’t mean a little spotting masquerading as a period- I mean you were ttc, and you were familiar with your cycles and what you thought was full flow, 3-5 days of blood period actually turned out to be residual blood?I’m wondering if it’s really as common as some online forums make it out to be. (I HOPE IT IS!) 🙂
A: Yes.
does it seem like pregnancy to you?! PLEASE HELP!?
Q: i had a period begginging of june…took bc for 2 days. then stopped. (which btw i havnt takin bc in over a year.)like 2 weeks later bleed again. (which was like a periodd!)on the 12th of july i had light spotting that lasted three days. and it wasnt enough blood to wear anything!! the blood only showed when i would wipe after using the restroom. it wouldnt even show in my underwear. (tmi. sorry) but thats how light it was!ive been feeling reall tired and no energy to do anything. my boobs have been killin me..and like when my nipples get hard i kno because its like my nipples get this tingle to them. i still havent started my period.. its been 8 days..but a week ago i whiped and i swear there was blood but havnt seen it since. yes ive had sex. or i wouldnt be asking for your alls opinion…i did take a test a week ago. and it was negative.. but could it have been to early.. if i would have went off my periodd in the begging of june i would be really late. and if i went off the second.. i would be about a 8 days late.should i retest.. its been over a month since i took those two pills.. would it still be affecting on my body?!?! just 2?! i wouldnt think it would mess me up that bad! and making me 8 days late…please please help. it would be my first. 🙂
A: only 2 pills can throw your body off track. i dont think you are prgnant but there is a chance! if it has been 2 or more weeks from when you think you concieved then the test should be positive. the pill can cause you not to ovulate for a while (even just 2 pills) so what i think may be a possibility is that you did not ovulate and that is why had such light spotting. my suggestion to you is to keep taking test and i you dont get a an answer by the time your next period is due you should go to the doctor and have blood work done! good luck!
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