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Do you spot in very early stages in pregnancy

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A:For some women, a small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/do-you-spot-in-very-early-stages-in-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “Do you spot in very early stages in pregnancy
Do you spot in very early stages in pregnancy
For some women, a small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. More?
Is it normal to spot at very early stages of pregnancy around the…?
I am five weeks pregnant and I had a bit of brown spotting the day after I got a positive on the home pregnancy test, and then a deep red spot a couple of days later. Now it has reverted to light coffee brown again, and it doesn’t happen of…
Do you spot during the early stages of pregnancy??
implantation bleeding is when the the embyo impants to the uterus, this is the start of pregnancy. some can spot through out the first trimester of pregnancy yes, but not all do. if the flow is heavy or there is cramping then your doctor sh…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how soon did you get spots during pregnancy?
Q: for the last week ive had bad spots on my face (i only ever get one or 2 around the time i have my period) and my periods not due for another week.. i think i had implantation bleeding last monday and have felt abit funny since then (but not sure if some of its in the mind!!!) just wondered if anyone else got alot of spots in the very early stages in pregnancy or if you only get them later on. thanks!
A: i havnt had any and didnt know it was something that happens during pregnancy :S
I know this is long, but urgent, please read and answer.. how did your body change in early pregnancy?
Q: It very well is possible that I could be pregnant.I’ve always been thin, 5’7, 130 pounds but I can’t help but dislike my body so much lately! I always look bloated, my stomach just all together looks pudgier, I’ve got a big muffin top now, etc.My hips and butt have grown also, I actually spotted some stretch marks on it! I usually wear size 5 or 7 in jeans and when I went shopping the other day, I couldn’t even fit the size 7 past my hips! So now I’m at size 9, which I’ve never been at before. (I have not changed my eating habits)I haven’t had many other symptoms besides that there were three different times I felt really lightheaded and dizzy and sick, it just hit me. But the first time it had happened, I’d been outside all day and hadn’t eaten much, but I just got this overwhelming feeling of heat all throughout my body and was sure I was about to throw up.It happened again about a week later in the car, I just got that feeling again so I had to open the window, but once again I’m thinking it was because I was on my way to breakfast and hadn’t eaten yet.Anyway, my questions are, how was your body changing in early stages of pregnancy? Did you just seem to look much chubbier and bloated rather than having a hard bump that continued to grow into the pregnancy?Also, the lightheaded and sick feeling, did you get that dizzy, almost like you were going to pass out feeling while you were pregnant?Thank you! I plan to get a test later, just wanted some advice first.lil lady, read what the woman posted underneath you.. i dont see why gaining weight and gaining a muffin top in pregnancy sounds so absurd to you.I think you are all misunderstanding. I guess I should have added it in a little.. It’s been a few weeks since I even had sex, but when we were having sex, it was all the time with no protection, for the past year a half. I’m not thinking I’m like 3 weeks pregnant.. I’m thinking I’m much further. thankyou.
A: You will NOT jump 2 pants sizes in early pregnancy. I was a size 0 until my 4th month in my second pregnancy. There was definitely no muffin top!There may be some bloating but nothing like what you’ve described.
Bleeding in pregnancy?
Q: i found out recently i am 7 weeks pregnant. when i finished work this morning i noticed a small amount of blood when i went to the loo, i dont believe i am going through a miscarriage and i have heard of people who go through what they call “spotting” through early stages of pregnancy, but my boyfriend thinks i should go to hospital and get it checked out, i am not getting any pain or discomfort and the blood is only a very! small amount, what do you think? should i get it checked out?
A: is it bright red or brown spotting? If brown spotting, that means old blood and a little spotting is quite common in early pregnancy. if it is bright red spotting, then best to get it checked out.Good luck.
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