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How do you know if your pregnant? MORE

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A:Lower back pain, constipation, constant urination, high body temp, cramping, slight vaginal bleeding, (more?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-you-know-if-your-pregnant%3F-more ]
More Answers to “How do you know if your pregnant? MORE
There are a few signs that may be seen or felt when you are pregnant. These are a missed period, nausea and vomiting, breast tenderness, and urinary frequency. A home pregnancy test is a more effective way of telling if you are pregnant, an…
・ 1 Are your breasts/nipples very tender? This is one of the first thing one should look for. If you are… ・ 2 Another sigh that you are indeed pregnant is if you have slight spotting or cramping. This can start… ・ 3 Darkening aureoles….
You know if your pregnant if you miss your period, you get nauseous, your breasts get sore, your stomach normally starts to get big about four months into the pregnancy, and you should take a pregnancy test to see if it is positive. If you …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you know if your pregnant without taking a test? It’s been a week and I have been peing more then usual?
Q: It’s been a week since the sex and I have been peing a lot more then I have before. But it also hurts to pe. Could I be pregant? Please help me out here.
A: The only way to know for sure without a test is this: Wait 9 months… if you pop out a kid, you were pregnant.Just buy a test, or get one from a doctor. It sounds like you’ve got an infection, though. Increased urination would more than likely not show up one week after unprotected sex.
How can you be careful when your pregnant and dont know it?
Q: I am feeling a little angry today towards the way things work. Let me try to sum this up, I was a smoker, thought I was pregnant took a test, came out negative. 3 weeks later I found out I was pregnant, so I had been smoking that whole time, quit the day I found out. My son was born with a heart defect. Every other person I know smoked throughout their whole pregnancy and had healthy babies. That doesnt make sense. I wouldnt even go to a place where people smoked. How are you supposed to stop doing these things if you cant even know your pregnant until your a month or more along? I feel like this is my fault but what could I have done? UUUUGGGHHH!! Just having a bad day I think.
A: Anytime you have sex you have a chance to get pregnant. I don’t imagine that the heart defect was because of smoking. It maybe hereditary or just a fluke. Just do the best you can for your son now and try not to dwell on the past. You can’t change it, so let it go.
How likely is it to get pregnant on your period?
Q: Me and my fiance are trying to have a baby and we tried but failed. We know around your period its easier to get pregnant but what if you do it on your period is it more likely to get pregnant?I know its easier to get pregnant around your Ovulation day but the days i get my period always change sometimes and so its hard to tell when it is.
A: God dammit. Finish high school, then think about it. You clearly haven’t been through sex ed. Your period is when you are LEAST likely to get pregnant.
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