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How can I get rid of my huge cold sore

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can I get rid of my huge cold sore”,you can compare them.

Docosanol 10% cream (Abreva) is the only OTC product that is known to decrease healing time of a cold sore. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-can-i-get-rid-of-my-huge-cold-sore ]
More Answers to “How can I get rid of my huge cold sore
How can I get rid of my huge cold sore
Docosanol 10% cream (Abreva) is the only OTC product that is known to decrease healing time of a cold sore.
What is the fastest way to get rid of a huge cold-sore??
The fastest way to get rid of cold sores huge or small is treatment which protects and boosts the immune system from the herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores. A treatment that I would recommend is Zenmed’s Avacare which helps to get …
How do you get rid of huge cold sores?
Of course there are over the counter products you can buy but, I have never known of one to work over night. Cold sores are a type of “herpes” but they are not the same type of the virus that causes genital herpes so it is not a…

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How an I get rid of a huge cold sore?
Q: I woke up with a bump above my eyebrow about the size of a half dollar and my dotor told me it was a cold sore {i know its werid}. what can i do to help it heal
A: The cold sore is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus. It is a latent virus that comes out during times of stress or immune system compromisation. OVer 80% of the US population has the virus.The best treatment is an over the counter medication, if sever, then see your doctor about it and get a prescription. Do NOT pick, poke or pinch the cold sore, this will only make it hurt worse or possibly spread it. ALWAYS wash your hands after touching it. While the sore is present and visible, avoid kissing and giving oral sex, this will cause the virus to be transmitted to teh other person.Abreva and Lycine+ seem to work for me.
How can you get rid of a cold sore fast?
Q: I have a military ball to go to next weekend and I have a huge cold sore on my lip. How do i make it go away by then?
A: you can try any otc product designed for cold sores. cold sores are herpes simplex. present in everyone,s body.
how can i get rid of this cold sore on my lip by wednesday?
Q: school is on wednesday, and its monday right now, and i have a HUGE cold sore on my lip, because i kept picking at my skin on my lip… i tried toothpaste, and that burns, but i wasnt so sure it would work, so i wiped it off. give me some remedies that i can use without leaving my house! 😀
A: I heard that toothpaste works cause it dries the cold sore.It burns because of the menthol.
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