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Is dextromethorphan legal

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Dextromethorphan, a cough suppressant is found in many OTC cough medicines. It is not illegal, but has potential for abuse. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-dextromethorphan-legal ]
More Answers to “Is dextromethorphan legal
Is dextromethorphan legal
Dextromethorphan, a cough suppressant is found in many OTC cough medicines. It is not illegal, but has potential for abuse.

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Q: We all know adolescent children use cough syrup mixtures that contain the drug Dextromethorphan, that is closely related to PCP and readily available on the consumer market? Why is it legal?
A: Same reason tobacco is legal, deman, demand, demand….money,money,money
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Can you potentiate the effects of Morphine with Dextromethorphan?
Q: My brother is very ill and we have no money to buy more medicine. We live in a country where drug laws are pretty non-restrictive so this is all legal for us. Could someone please tell me if I can potentiate the effects of morphine with other things? Like brandy, robitussin, dramamine? I need a detailed explanation so I know I’m not harming my brother as well
A: You don’t need a detailed explanation. You need a detailed understanding and you’re not going to get that here. But to answer your question, modest doses of dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine, and/or cimetidine are used by some users to potentiate the effects of some opiates including morphine. Dextromethorphan is probably the least effective of the three, though I suspect larger doses of dextromethorphan might help with pain management without becoming dangerous. It’s very safe when you know what you’re doing, but you don’t. If you insist on doing it anyway, the safe way forward is to use small dosages to start and work up to modest, well tolerated dosages.
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