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How to treat jock itch

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Most infections of the skin, such as jock itch, can be treated at home with antifungal creams and powders you can buy OTC. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-to-treat-jock-itch ]
More Answers to “How to treat jock itch
One all natural way to treat jock itch is to eat garlic. Garlic helps bring quicker relief due to its antifungal qualities. Just try eating as much raw garlic as possible at the first sign of jock itch.
・ 1 Buy an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream to apply to the area affected with jock itch. Make sure to… ・ 2 Wear loose fitting clothing when you notice that you are suffering from jock itch. Wearing tight clothing… ・ 3 Keep the groin …
Apply an over-the-counter anti fungal cream three times a day, or as directed in the product instructions, to get rid of the fungus. Treatment must continue for three to four weeks or the fungus will reappear. Step 2For a severe or persiste…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to treat jock itch? and how do I prevent the nasty dark mark from appearing after it heals?
A: Are you sure that you have jock itch. I never got any marks. You can get a medicated powder from your local drug store that will take care of it. If you keep your genital area clean and dry you should have no problem with jock itch.
How to treat Jock Itch?
Q: Okay so I have a new job where I walk around in the Texas Heat all day long and after only working for one day I started chaffing really really bad and have been using diaper rash ointment at night and powder in the morning. It isnt as bad as it was but it still burns and itches and I think its jock itch. It sure looks like it to me. What should i do? What close should i wear to work to make it better? Should i wear a jock strap?
A: Apply an over-the-counter anti fungal cream three times a day, or as directed in the product instructions, to get rid of the fungus. Treatment must continue for three to four weeks or the fungus will reappear.Step 2For a severe or persistent infection, see your doctor and discuss the possibility of topical and/or oral anti-fungal medication.Step 3Apply an anti fungal powder containing Console when chafing aggravates jock itch.Step 4Wear a jock strap, or athletic supporter, to keep your genitals away from the rest of your skin.Step 5Keep groin area clean and dry.Step 6Wear cotton underwear.Step 7Wear loose-fitting clothes and underwear – boxers are best.Step 8Remove wet bathing suits as soon as you are done swimming.Step 9Sleep naked to let the infected area air out.Buy an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream to apply to the area affected with jock itch. Make sure to read the specific instructions on the cream on how to apply and how often.Step 2Wear loose fitting clothing when you notice that you are suffering from jock itch. Wearing tight clothing can make the jock itch spread and become even more inflamed and irritated.Step 3Keep the groin and the area affected by the jock itch clean and dry whenever possible. If you are sweating in that area, towel off as often as necessary. Change your clothes whenever they become sweaty or damp. Allowing moisture in the area with the jock itch will only make the fungus grow and spread even more.Step 4If you have tried all of the above ways to treat jock itch and after a two weeks, the jock itch has not gone away, schedule an appointment with your doctor. You may need a prescription for something stronger to kill off the fungus.
How to treat a jock itch or a Yeast Infection that I might have passed on to my husband?
Q: How to treat a jock itch or a Yeast Infection that I might have passed on to my husband?I have a Yeast In fection and I might have passed it on to my husband while having sex so I wanted to know how a guy treats a Yeast infection or a Jock Itch since thats what I have heard is called for a guy???
A: yeast is different than jock itch, but sometimes people call it that, probably because it sounds more manlyyou treat yeast infections in men the same way you treat them in women by eliminating the excess candida (yeast) in your body
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