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If you have your period could you still be pregnant

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A:While you cannot have your period and be pregnant at the same time you can experience vaginal bleeding and be pregnant. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-have-your-period-could-you-still-be-pregnant ]
More Answers to “If you have your period could you still be pregnant
Can a woman still be on her period while she is pregnant?
Well, during early pregnancy , the answer is yes; as it gets later, then it becomes impossible for the body to do so. Thank you!
Can you have a period and still be pregnant?
Can you have a period and still be pregnant, no many woman spot throughout there pregnancy, but this is not your period. Ovulating is when the egg is released in to the uterus, since a pregnant woman’s egg is already, fertilized ovulation w…
Am i pregnant? Can I still be pregnant if I got my period??
Hi Valerie! To answer your question, Yes you can have a period and still be pregnant. I must also say that bleeding during pregnancy can also be a sign of a problem, so if you believe you are pregnant and still bleeding i would see a doc as…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If you have your period could you still be pregnant?
Q: I have heard that if you get your period that doesn’t mean anything because you could still be pregnant is this true?
A: Yes it is true my sister was pregnant and she had her period the whole pregnancy. It depends on your body but if you have your period and you get a negative test then most likely you’re not pregnant. Goodluck!
Could you still be pregnant if you have your period?
Q: Just wondering cause I haven’t been feeling myself lately. Tired, dizzy, hot and cold episodes, bad headaches, nauseous, food tastes differently and such, but I got my period today, but I still feel horrible. I’ve felt like this for weeks and I don’t know what else could be wrong. So, even if you have your period, could you still be pregnant?
A: actually i have known people who are pregnant and do have their periods.most women actually have implantation bleeding at the beginning and that is all they have, but my sister-in-law had her period for the first four months of being pregnant with her second son.it really all depends on your body and how it’s taking the pregnancy change.
If you have unprotected sex and get your period hours later, could you still be pregnant?
Q: I had unprotected sex but started my period the morning after, is there any chance I could still be pregnant?I know that when you have your period it usually means you aren’t, but I wasn’t sure because it was so soon afterwards.
A: Yes you can be. Even if you had unprotected sex 2 weeks before you had your period you could still be pregnant. Please talk to someone. Your health department gives free condoms. Do a little research.
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