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What should I do if I have my period every 11 days and is it that serious

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A:Any woman complaining of abnormal vaginal bleeding should be examined. Any bleeding that occurs less than 26 days apart is bad. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-if-i-have-my-period-every-11-days-and-is-it-that-serious ]
More Answers to “What should I do if I have my period every 11 days and is it that serious
What should I do if I have my period every 11 days and is it that…?
Any woman complaining of abnormal vaginal bleeding should be examined. Any bleeding that occurs less than 26 days apart is bad.

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Q: I track my ovulation every month and I very regularly ovulate 10-11 days after my menstrual period. My partner and I use withdrawal method and have been able to stay unpregnant for two years. Well, last month, exactly two days before my ovulation was due, we got a little carried away and he ejaculated prior to ovulation. Naturally, I was very worried and ,could not wait until my menstrual period, so, I took a home pregnancy test I had sitting in my closet about three days before my period was due (It’s a very old test that had probably been sitting in my closet for a year). The test is a digital EPT and the result was negative.Well, it is now an entire week after my period was due, and still, no signs of it. Every month, before I get my period, I feel cramping which I am not at all feeling (this lets me know that I am no where near getting it, as my cramps usually start a week before my period). Furthermore, as I said previously, I am very regular so my period being this late is uncommon for me.So… I am a little confused. Am I pregnant or not? If I am pregnant, then, why did the test come out negative? Do pregnancy test expire? (seems like a silly question, but, still… I wish I would’ve read the box before throwing it away). If I am not pregnant, then, why is my period so late??? What should I do?I meant to say, he ejaculated prior to withdrawing… sorry
A: It was probably too soon to test with a digital. The digital tests require you to have more HCG then the early tests. Get a regular test and take it again, then you’ll know. And If they are too old, they aren’t as good. Just buy a new test or go to your doctor and have them take a test.
What is wrong with me!?
Q: I have a regular period every month, I have never missed a period and it always comes on Thursday but not this month!? I am 11 days late for my period but I took 2 pregnancy test but both were negative..I was told to take the test in the morning but I didn’t but if I was pregnant it would show up at any time of the day right?I don’t think I have any symptoms of pregnancy really, my nipples are sore and my face is breaking out a little bit but nothing serious. I do keep getting weird feelings in my lower stomach but that is the only strange thing.Should I be concerned!?Thanks!
A: if you are really concerned you should go see your doctor. there are some infections ( normal and not related to sexually transmitted diseases) that can cause your period to be late or not come at all. They do have to be treated with antibiotics. Also I have heard that some women do not have enough of the pregnancy hormone to actually trigger the home test and might need a blood test to comfirm pregnancy. I have also heard that taking the test in the morning is the best way to take the test even though they say they can be taken anytime of the day. I took mine in the morning because I had heard this from alot of people. Stress can also affect your periods.I also read somewhere that sometimes etopic pregnancies will not trigger the test. Again I would suggest that if you are really concerned to see your doctor and just make sure that everything is in order. I hope this helps.
What is going on? Please help me…?
Q: Okay I asked some questions about pregnancy about a week ago…Well I will explain the story and then explain what is going on now.On May 8th through the 11th me and my fiance had sex unprotected. I was on my period the 8th and a maybe for 2-3 hours on the 9th of May ( we still had sex) um, now it is about 2 weeks later and I am on my period again. Last night when I was using the restroom I wiped and the toilet paper had brown blood on it. I used a light tampon for a little took it out then it had some red blood like a normal period. Its been like that since yesterday May 25th. I have my period every 3-4 weeks and count the days by the last day of my period. If I am correct I should most defiantly not be on my period. My breast normally hurt as well when I am on my period,they don’t this time…What is going on you think? Is it something serious or what do you think I should do?
A: No one here will be able to tell you if you are pregnant. Almost all of the symptoms you get during pregnancy can be associated with something else.Take a test, go to the doctor or do some research. This type of question is asked a thousand times a day.
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