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Is it common to have your period during the first few months of pregnancy

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A:Vaginal bleeding can occur frequently in the first trimester of pregnancy and may not be a sign of problems. Keep ChaChaing! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-it-common-to-have-your-period-during-the-first-few-months-of-pregnancy ]
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Is it common to have your period during the first few months of p…?
Vaginal bleeding can occur frequently in the first trimester of pregnancy and may not be a sign of problems. Keep ChaChaing!

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signs of early pregnancy!!! taken from the net! a good list!!?
Q: I am overdue for my period and experiencing cramping, headaches, pimples, fatigue, gas, going to the toilet more often and many other symptoms, Yet i am unsure whether i am just due for my period or could i be pregnant.. I am only at the 4-5 wk mark so have no real clue as yet! I came across the list below on the net! Thought this might answer a few Q’s in regards to the symptoms and the ppe who ask could they actually be pregnant or not this month!You may start noticing pregnancy symptoms and/or be able to detect pregnancy after implantation, which occurs from around 7-10 days post ovulation. If you have conceived, the embryo starts to produce hCG after implantation and not before, so it is not possible to detect pregnancy or have pregnancy symptoms before this time. So the longer you wait to test after ovulation, the more accurate the result will be and the darker the potential positive test line may be. Pregnancy testing should ideally be done from the day your period would have been due.What Pregnancy Symptoms Might I Experience?Below is a list of pregnancy symptoms which you may find signal pregnancy for your own body. Remember, every woman and every pregnancy is different, so there’s no need to panic if you don’t have all of the listed pregnancy symptoms. I had absolutely no noticable symptoms (apart from not having a period) with my second pregnancy until 11 weeks.High BBT (Basal Body Temperature)If you regularly chart your cycle and take your temperatures, you will notice that your BBT will remain high throughout your luteal phase. Progesterone causes your BBT to rise upon ovulation and stay elevated should you be pregnant. If you are not pregnant, your BBT will drop right down and you’ll get your period as normal.Missed / No PeriodOne of the first pregnancy symptoms you may notice is that your period does not arrive. While this symptom is one we most commonly associate with pregnancy, there may be other reasons why a period hasn’t arrived, for example high levels of stress, major illness or surgery. On the other hand, it’s possible to continue to have your periods during pregnancy. Some women may bleed for just a few months or even their whole pregnancy. (See our topic on Bleeding in Pregnancy for more information).Morning SicknessAnother well known pregnancy symptom is morning sickness. Don’t let it’s name fool you – morning sickness can pay you a visit any time of day, so make sure you eat enough and avoid letting your blood sugar levels drop. Ginger is a great natural remedy for nausea so it’s worth a try, although some women find that nothing seems to help their morning sickness, which normally hangs around for the first trimester before getting better or if you are unlucky, the second trimester or even whole pregnancy. (See our topic on Common Pregnancy Ailments for more information).Breast ChangesFrom very early on in pregnancy a symptom you may notice is changes in your breasts, including:•Nipples may be tender and sensitive – some women describe their nipples to be irritatingly sensitive! •Breast may be sore and / or lumpy •Nipples may deepen in colour •Veins may become more noticeable and enlarged in the breast area •Areolas may darken (circles around your nipples) •The little ‘bumps’ on your areolas (Montgomery’s Tubercles) may increase and / or enlargenIncreased Cervical MucusA surge in progesterone often results in a surge of creamy cervical mucus production. Some women may notice a little, and some notice much more.FatigueWhen you first become pregnant, your metabolism steps up a few gears in order to support your developing baby as well as your own body, which creates one big workload! You may become so immensely tired that you feel that you need to sleep more than usual. Not only that, but the hormone progesterone which is required in high levels during pregnancy has a sedating effect. No wonder you feel so very tired! If you need to rest or sleep, don’t fight your body – it needs it!Frequent UrinationAs soon as a week after conception, you may notice yourself dashing off to the toilet more often, only to find that you’re urinating small amounts! This happens because the embryo starts to secrete the pregnancy hormone hCG, which signals for the blood supply to increase in the pelvic area. This results in the bladder becoming irritable and it passes even small amounts of urine. You may find you will wake in the night to urinate more often than usual.CrampingThis symptom of early pregnancy can also be an unnerving one for parents-to-be, as often there is a fear of miscarriage. However even when not pregnant, your uterus is continually contracting. When pregnant, the foetus grows and pushes against the walls of your uterus, which causes it to contract – this is very normal.If the cramping is accompanied by bleeding, see your doctor who can assess the situation to see if you may be having a miscarriage. However do ni took a home pregnancy test a couple days ago but did it in the arvo.. showed neg… i think i will go to the drs this week if i keep feeling like i amI guess my Main symptoms atm, are i – have cramping, tonight its been constantly ever since i got home from work.. – i am going to the toilet to urinate More often! – i am getting pimples- more tired- hot flushes- cranky- gone off smell of coffee and often feel ill after drinking it think this is about it! still thinking could it all be in my head or is my period around the corner.. am doubtful as the test i did here turned out neg!
A: With my first pregnancy, somehow I “knew” I was pregnant. I felt fuller in my pelvic region (it was not like my stomach was full or anything), but I had only a handful of other symptoms. Going to the bathroom often is one, but it is a bit misleading – its sometimes not such a huge ‘urge’ to go like they describe in books. My basal temperature was higher, but you have to use a Basal thermometer to see it (and you need to have taken your temperature daily before getting pregs too so you can compare).With my second, I had major fatigue right away, but no ‘feeling’ or anything. I found out I was pregnant a few days after being extremely tired (like falling asleep during dinner tired!).Take a test – you are past your period due date, so you should get a very accurate reading.
how come most women get a period throughout pregnancy?
Q: was reading this If you are pregnant, you have probably heard about other women who have their periods during pregnancy. This story seems to cycle throughout the generations and is almost an urban legend now. Everyone seems to know someone who has a friend who got their period during their pregnancy!Many women can experience episodes of bleeding and spotting during pregnancy. Bleeding is especially common in the first trimester and about 30% of pregnant women experience bleeding during this time. Although fewer women bleed during the second and third trimesters, spotting is still possible and not all that uncommon. However, though this bleeding may resemble menstruation, it actually is something different altogether.if you bleed won’t be a complication sign?most of my friends they had implantation bleeding and was fooled for a period and then the next month they never bleed i’m pregnant and i had implantation bleeding and no more bleeding afterwards * 8 minutes ago * – 3 days left to answer.Additional Details6 minutes agoour period is caused by your menstrual cycle. During this cycle, your body releases hormones, which send signals to your reproductive organs to perform certain actions. An increase in your hormones causes your ovaries to release an egg that travels from your ovaries through your fallopian tubes. Meanwhile, a protective layer of blood and tissue thickens along the walls of your uterus. If this egg is not fertilized, your hormone levels will drop, signaling to your body that it is time to shed the lining that built up in your uterus. This is what causes your period.i didnt get no answers so i had to repost
A: I agree…I didnt ever have any bleeding durring pregnancy at all. Other than my miscarriage of course.
REALLY need your help here! Miscarriage —> still miscarrying/period/implantation bleeding ?
Q: I recently miscarried about June 1st (HCG level 359 at highest) , giving a day or so. I was only 6 weeks. If I had not miscarried, and continued my normal cycle, my period would have been due June 19. I have been having unprotected sex since the miscarriage. On the 19th I started spotting brown blood, which kind of reminded me of what implantation looked like earlier, when I first found out I was pregnant. I have noticed a couple spots today, but its pretty much gone. I went to the doctor that day (19th) cause I recently had a UTI which I “heard” is sometimes common during early pregnancy. My HCG level was 73. The only real symptom I have is FREQUENT peeing…like all the time. Even waking in the middle of night a COUPLE of times. But that could be from the UTI also. What do you think?? Tested positive today for pregnancy also. I’m just really confused.PS.I know it is recommended to wait a few months to try again, so please no lectures about that. And I guess I should include that I have finished/completed the antibiotics for the UTI over a week ago
A: HiI had m/c on 22nd May hcg at 33 pregnancy tests all showed positive until Sunday they have now gone negative my hcg took ages to come down.I dont think this is a new pregnancy it is prob taking long time for levels to come down I was quite surprised mine hadnt come down sooner since my level want really high.I peed on a stick everyday until it went negative obssesive I know.But now I will know when it is a new pregnancyKeep going back to the drs for them to take your blood levels and then you will know when it is a new pregnancy.I also kept having sex hoping that just maybe it was a new pregnancy but it wasnt and I was just setting my selve up for more pain.Good luck
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