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Is it normal to have a one day period and for it to be scattered around

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A:For some women, a small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Known as MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-it-normal-to-have-a-one-day-period-and-for-it-to-be-scattered-around ]
More Answers to “Is it normal to have a one day period and for it to be scattered around
Is it normal to have a one day period and for it to be scattered …?
For some women, a small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Known as MORE?

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Period or Pregnant!?! 2 NEGATIVE hpt’s but……?
Q: Ok, today I woke up and went to the bathroom to pee and after I wiped I had a very light pink scatter on the TP and in the toilet there were really tiny “clouds” of either light pink or brownish spots in the urine….I didn’t see anything except for when I wiped and looked in the toilet and I have had some slight cramping….I think I may be either spotting or having late implantation cause I was told that I probably ovulated late and needed to wait another week so that my HPT showed up positive…which all makes sense if this is implantation bleeding. I know my body and if this was my period, being 6 days late now, it would have been ALOT heavier and visible besides when I used the bathroom. I am sooo confused and I am not sure what to do but I’m gonna keep an eye on it everytime I use the bathroom and if it gets heavier then I think I will know its my period but I doubt it cause it wasn’t even enough blood to be considered my period cause it is very light and 6 days late…any help?Also, I have taken 2 HPT’S (I took the first one 1 day after my expected period & one again yesterday—both negative!)My period was due on October 21st, the last normal one (which they are ALWAYS normal—if anything they’re early!) was September 24th 2008.I’ve had lots of unprotected sex with my fiance everyday and especialy on the days I ovulated. My boobs have started feeling heavier and definetly more sore…and I am sleeping ALOT more and have had some nausea with lots of “lightheaded-ness”…Hey, thanks to you all for helping me! Me & my fiance are trying, we have been for almost a year. All of my periods were either really early or on time…never late, and now this one is going on a week! The HPT’s are throwing me off though…and I have had very little ( like this much in space ) scatters of light pink-brown blood when I wipe…none in my underwear just when I use the bathroom and wipe…..my boobs are seriously hurting right now lol especially the left one it feels alot heavier….and before this “light bleeding” I was having milky,runny discharge (no itch) which made me think of “leukherra” mucus plug? If I am prego I think I concieved around October 10th-16th…not quite sure.9 hours agoAlso, since th HPT’S were negative….and if I AM pregnant….will it show up on a blood test? And how long should I wait to test again?1 hour agoThe only bleeding I am having is OLD blood and only when I wipe it is very very light pink or plain out brown…I put a tampon in to keep track of it over a 5 hours period and when I took it out there was an increase in the blood, but just the same as before—–old and brown, the pink (light pink) blood was like mucusy-looking like egg white material….and other than that NOTHING is on my underwear or comes out when i pee, just when I wipe (or literally, “feel around’) hmmmm?????
A: i don’t think its safe putting a tampon in to keep track. you should definitly take a blood test, because from what i have experienced in the past their is a possibility you are having an impantation. i would suggest that you go to the doctors and get a blood result, that result is always accurate. good luck and hope theres good news out of this light pink/brown spotting.
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