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What are all of the symptoms of polycistic ovarian syndrome

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A:Early symptoms of PCOS include: Few or no menstrual periods, heavy, irregular vaginal bleeding, hair loss, acne and depression. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-all-of-the-symptoms-of-polycistic-ovarian-syndrome ]
More Answers to “What are all of the symptoms of polycistic ovarian syndrome
What are all the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome?
Polycystic Ovary Disease is characterized by enlarged ovaries with multiple small cysts, an abnormally high number of folli…MORE
Do You Know the Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome??
This may come as a shock to you but the condition of polycystic ovarian syndrome appears to be increasing. PCOS now affects about 5 to 10 percent of women of children bearing age, and can occur at any age before menopause. The medical commu…
Are these symptoms polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or the meno…?
I’m 39 and was diagnosed with PCOS early last year, which was discovered when I had tests for the loss of my son at 20 weeks pregnant at the end of Sept 2002. I was put on Clomid in March of last year and conceived on my second month althou…

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Should I head to the ER?
Q: I was on Ortho Tri Cyclen Low to regulate and help my period and also prevent pregnancy. Before i started taking it, and even when I continued to take it, I was bleeding 2-3 weeks a month and usually for the first few days of it it was a dark brown discharge. A month into it or so i started feeling plenty of symptoms. numbness of legs and arms, shortness of breath, chest pain, headaches, nausea and fatigue. I went to family planning when i was on my third pack and they told me to instantly stop taking my birth control and see a doctor as soon as possible. I did, they found out I cant take in any more estrogen then my body already has so they want to start me on a ‘mini-pill’ thats just progestin, they said if I stayed on estrogen birth control I would have more then likely died from a heart attack, and they were speaking of POS (polycistic ovarian syndrome) so I have to get an ultra sound next month to look at my uterus lining and they also took some blood. That was only this past tuesday. I also had a Bacterial Vaginosis so they put me on some medication called Metronidazole. This past week ive been expieriencing the heart/chest pains more frequently and more powerful. It feels as though someone is sitting on my chest and I cant take a full deep breath in, i feel sharp pains on the upper right part of my chest through the day, but the deep breath problem stays all day. My legs and arms randomly start tingleling and then they instantly become numb. My lips even went numb this morning and started to twitch and unintentionally purse up. This scares me, Ive hear blood clots from my birth control, Ive heard an inflamed muscle by the rib cage, ive heard severe panic attack and ive heard heart murmur..should I go to the ER and get checked? or am I stable enough to wait until monday when doctor office’s are more open? What do you think it could be?
A: Do not pass go, do not collect $200 and YES PROCEED DIRECTLY TO THE ER!!!!!!Best of luck and health to you! I hope you are well again soon!
What could be the cause of my chest pain, chest pressure, legs/arms going numb and shortness of breath be?
Q: I was on Ortho Tri Cyclen Low to regulate and help my period and also prevent pregnancy. Before i started taking it, and even when I continued to take it, I was bleeding 2-3 weeks a month and usually for the first few days of it it was a dark brown discharge. A month into it or so i started feeling plenty of symptoms. numbness of legs and arms, shortness of breath, chest pain, headaches, nausea and fatigue. I went to family planning when i was on my third pack and they told me to instantly stop taking my birth control and see a doctor as soon as possible. I did, they found out I cant take in any more estrogen then my body already has so they want to start me on a ‘mini-pill’ thats just progestin, they said if I stayed on estrogen birth control I would have more then likely died from a heart attack, and they were speaking of POS (polycistic ovarian syndrome) so I have to get an ultra sound next month to look at my uterus lining and they also took some blood. That was only this past tuesday. I also had a Bacterial Vaginosis so they put me on some medication called Metronidazole. This past week ive been expieriencing the heart/chest pains more frequently and more powerful. It feels as though someone is sitting on my chest and I cant take a full deep breath in, i feel sharp pains on the upper right part of my chest through the day, but the deep breath problem stays all day. My legs and arms randomly start tingleling and then they instantly become numb. My lips even went numb this morning and started to twitch and unintentionally purse up. This scares me, Ive hear blood clots from my birth control, Ive heard an inflamed muscle by the rib cage, ive heard severe panic attack and ive heard heart murmur..should I go to the ER and get checked? or am I stable enough to wait until monday when doctor office’s are more open? What do you think it could be?
A: if i were you i would be very worried about a pulmonary embolism ( blood clot in the lung). i would go to the emergency room stat
I just cant seem to catch my breath, should i be worried?
Q: I was on Ortho Tri Cyclen Low to regulate and help my period and also prevent pregnancy. Before i started taking it, and even when I continued to take it, I was bleeding 2-3 weeks a month and usually for the first few days of it it was a dark brown discharge. A month into it or so i started feeling plenty of symptoms. numbness of legs and arms, shortness of breath, chest pain, headaches, nausea and fatigue. I went to family planning when i was on my third pack and they told me to instantly stop taking my birth control and see a doctor as soon as possible. I did, they found out I cant take in any more estrogen then my body already has so they want to start me on a ‘mini-pill’ thats just progestin, they said if I stayed on estrogen birth control I would have more then likely died from a heart attack, and they were speaking of POS (polycistic ovarian syndrome) so I have to get an ultra sound next month to look at my uterus lining and they also took some blood. That was only this past tuesday. I also had a Bacterial Vaginosis so they put me on some medication called Metronidazole. This past week ive been expieriencing the heart/chest pains more frequently and more powerful. It feels as though someone is sitting on my chest and I cant take a full deep breath in, i feel sharp pains on the upper right part of my chest through the day, but the deep breath problem stays all day. My legs and arms randomly start tingleling and then they instantly become numb. My lips even went numb this morning and started to twitch and unintentionally purse up. This scares me, Ive hear blood clots from my birth control, Ive heard an inflamed muscle by the rib cage, ive heard severe panic attack and ive heard heart murmur..should I go to the ER and get checked? or am I stable enough to wait until monday when doctor office’s are more open? What do you think it could be?
A: those are quite serious problems you should go to the ER as soon as possible
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