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Is it possible to bleed to weeks after you conceive a child

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A:You can have vaginal bleeding and continue to be pregnant. Vaginal bleeding is different than a period. Thanks! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-it-possible-to-bleed-to-weeks-after-you-conceive-a-child ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to bleed to weeks after you conceive a child
Is it possible to bleed to weeks after you conceive a child?
You can have vaginal bleeding and continue to be pregnant. Vaginal bleeding is different than a period. Thanks!

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A: I got pregnant after trying for about one year in Nov 06 and miscarried at 11 weeks in Jan 07. Doctor told me to wait at least 3 months and then try again. I waited and then had an ectopic pregnancy in May 07, had to have surgery because didn’t find out until June 07 as a result I now have only one tube. Doctor said to wait for 6 months have been trying since with no luck. Now my husband and I got tested and will start clomid next month. I am 31 now and have been very upset and sad about all this. I feel very hopeless too.It is just a matter of luck and what God has in mind for us. I think that you should try not to be depressed and keep on trying( I know it is easy said than done, I am feel the same way). It will happen, see a doctor. Good luck…. hope everybody who had bad luck in the past will get lucky next year and all of us will have babies by next October!
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A: To answer your initial question, no. They are not a recent discovery.”References regarding the existence of müllerian defects date back to antiquity, around 300 BC. Columbo reported the first documented case of vaginal agenesis (uterus and vagina) in the 16th century.” http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/273534-overviewA less technical resource for information is http://mulleriananomalies.blogspot.com/A Yahoo! Group http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/MullerianAnomalies/I hope that these resources help and point you to further information and supportive people who share your condition. Take care and my best hopes for you and for your concerns to be successfully addressed.
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