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Is spotting normal in the 14th week of pregnancy

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A:Vaginal bleeding can occur often in the 1st trimester of pregnancy & may not be a sign of problems. Get checked out to be safe. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-spotting-normal-in-the-14th-week-of-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “Is spotting normal in the 14th week of pregnancy
Is spotting normal in the 14th week of pregnancy
Vaginal bleeding can occur often in the 1st trimester of pregnancy & may not be a sign of problems. Get checked out to be safe.

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hCG levels and some other questions?
Q: A bit of info in case it’s helpful:I’m 21 years old, In a stable relationshipI am 5 weeks today, Confirmed pregnancy by blood test.Last Period started on May 10 – normal 28 day cycle.1) at 4.5 weeks my hCG level was 600, Is this a fairly normal level for close to 5 weeks?2) I was given a vaginal ultrasound, although I knew it was to early to see a baby or even a sac for that matter, would they have been able to tell if it were an ectopic/tubal pregnancy by the vaginal ultrasound? or is it something they would have to actually be looking for to know?3) I had some light spotting before I knew I was pregnant, Only lasted for 3 days. other then that I’ve had no bleeding although for the last weeks Ive been experiencing some dull cramping. I’ve been told that cramping is very normal up until the 3rd month but I still worry. Mothers and mothers to be, What/was your cramping in early pregnancy like?I’m constantly worry that something is about to go wrong for the simple reason- I did have an abortion when I was 14 due to some very unfortunate events. Which reminds me of one more question4) From a previous abortion, could there be enough scar tissue to prevent me from carry a normal pregnancy?Thank-You Erin and Amy for easing my worried mind. Stressing is probably the last thing I should be doing!
A: weeks LMP: 5 – 50 mIU/ml# 4 weeks LMP: 5 – 426 mIU/ml# 5 weeks LMP: 18 – 7,340 mIU/ml# 6 weeks LMP: 1,080 – 56,500 mIU/ml# 7 – 8 weeks LMP: 7, 650 – 229,000 mIU/ml# 9 – 12 weeks LMP: 25,700 – 288,000 mIU/ml# 13 – 16 weeks LMP: 13,300 – 254,000 mIU/ml# 17 – 24 weeks LMP: 4,060 – 165,400 mIU/ml# 25 – 40 weeks LMP: 3,640 – 117,000 mIU/ml# Non-pregnant females: <5.0 mIU/ml# Postmenopausal females: <9.5 mIU/mlThat is a list of normal hCG levels in pregnancy. Yes, your level was good for almost 5 weeks, a bit high (which some people think that could indicate a multiple pregnancy), but high is fine, low is a problem. 2. At that stage, the doctors wouldn’t be able to tell if it was a tubal pregnancy because there is nothing to be seen yet, it’s still too small to be seen. The way they would have to tell if it was a tubal pregnancy would be to see if you have increasing pain down there later (dull cramping is normal), and other symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, and then they’d have to give you another ultrasound when the baby is big enough to be seen.3. Spotting in early pregnancy is common, and since it only lasted for 3 days and your hCG level was fine, I wouldn’t worry about it. My cramping in early pregnancy felt like period cramps, they were dull and mild, which is normal. It is your uterus stretching.4. Most of the time after an abortion, a woman is able to carry a full-term, healthy pregnancy. I’m sure you will be fine.
Spotting, pelvic discomfort, late period… pregnancy?
Q: I was on a progesterone-only pill POP/MiniPill for 14 days but started experiencing breakthrough bleeding so I stopped. After that, my period was 6 days late (i’m usually regular) and was much shorter than normal. I have been spotting and having occasional pelvic discomfort, enlarged breasts (went up cup size) in between for weeks now. My period is due again, but it’s late again! Still spotting from time to time and the occasional pelvic discomfort. Sometimes I feel as though my period is here then i check and it’s nothing! I have done 2 home pregnancy tests since taking the POP and they were negative. Has that pill really messed up my system and cycle so much? Or is there a chance of my being pregnant even though the tests were negative?My period came 4 days late and is much lighter than usual, almost pink… and I usually get painful periods but this time i just had the pelvic discomfort i had mentioned before… I also forgot to mention my drastic mood swings – seriously, i’m either bursting into tears, very irritable, or thinking about sleep! What is going on?FutureFirstLady?Abnormal period is finished. Pelvic discomfort often now – crampy, dull pains… And also, a mild cystitis (bladder infection – burning sensation during urination)!!! Will see my OBGYN on the weekend…
A: I was on progesterone and then prometrium. The last few days I have been spotting on and off but no period and I definately felt a lot of abdominal discomfort prior to spotting. My breasts are larger but not sore and I have been having some other symptoms as well. My period is not yet late but my doctor told me to take a HPT and it was negative… it sounds like we are in similar situations… My husband says I am pregnant but who knows… Just letting you know you arent alone.
Pregnancy Question…spotting, cramping, but good hcg…HELP!!!!?
Q: I found out I was pregnant on 2007/09/10. The doctor estimated me to be at 5 1/2 weeks and I was scheduled for an ultrasound on 2007/09/20. My hcg levels went from 200 (2007/09/10) to 600 (2007/09/12) to 1500 (2007/09/14). At my ultrasound they could only see the sac and something they called the “yolk”. The ultrasound doctor came in and said it was either earlier in the pregnancy than the had originally thought or I was going to miscarry. So I called my OB/GYN and he sent me for some bloodwork that day (2007/09/20). The results for my hcg were 9500. I am still freaking out because for the last 2 weeks I have had cramping (mild) and some blood. I only noticed the blood twice when wiping, however when I check myself I notice a brown or pink tinged blood inside me. You may wonder why I am freaking out so bad, but I have already had a miscarriage and it effected my mental health greatly. Does anyone have some answers or stories that could ease my worries??? I would really appreciate it! My questions are: 1. What are normal hcg levels? 2. Is it normal to continuously have blood? 3. Is it normal to have bouts of mild cramping and then nothing?
A: okay I know this really doesnt help or ease the mind much BUT STOP STRESSING! Thats not helping very much, I am not sure what normal hcg levels are sorry, but I do know that stressing isnt very good for you or a baby. I have known people to have their periods the entire time of pregnancy or for the first three months and it is somewhat normal to have cramping, I am surprised however that your doctor is not more concerned though, I would lay down in bed as much as possible with legs elevated on a pillow, break out the ben and jerrys and watch a movie. I know it is very painful mentally to have a miscarriage however, everytime you get pregnant it is easier to get pregnant the next time, I had one miscarrige and then two beautiful healthy babies one year apart. good luck, hopefully everything is okay.
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