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Is the birth control shot OK

Health related question in topics Birth Control Shot .We found some answers as below for this question “Is the birth control shot OK”,you can compare them.

A:Yes, the birth control shot is perfectly safe. Some women do report unpredictable periods and vaginal bleeding as side effects. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-the-birth-control-shot-ok ]
More Answers to “Is the birth control shot OK
Is the birth control shot OK
Yes, the birth control shot is perfectly safe. Some women do report unpredictable periods and vaginal bleeding as side effects.
Is it ok to smoke while on Depo-Provera birth control shot??
no, it’s not OK smoking increases your risk of blood clots (strokes and heart attacks) hormonal birth control contained estrogen does also. If you’re thinking it won’t happen to you: I was 21 when I developed blood clots in my lungs. I neve…
Is it ok if you take birth control why you already got the 3 mont…?
Depo Provera (the 3 month shot) is 97-99.7% effective as birth control . You don’t need to take pill. ChaCha!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I was wondering if the birth control shot is ok for you?
Q: I was on the depo shot (birth control) for a year now and my friend was telling me that it isnt good for you. is this true or is it ok? because i was feeling sick yesterday like i was pg… i dk what to do
A: The depo shot is about as good and bad as any other form of prescription birth control. When you take or inject any medication you always run the risk of side effects. Feeling ill is not the best thing to base your conjecture on. There are too many causes of nausea for you to be frightened by just that. Depo is about 98% effective. If you think you may be pregnant, go on ahead a take a HPT. Make sure you’re at least two weeks post ovulation before taking the test. If you don’t know when you ovulated, take the test two weeks past the last time you engaged in intercourse. If you get a negative result, there’s a good chance you just had a bug or didn’t get in enough nutrition that day. If you continue to think you may be pregnant even after a negative HPT, make a doctor’s appointment for a blood test.
can you still get the birth control shot after taking plan b?
Q: About 4 hours ago I took the plan b pill and tomorrow I plan on going to get the birth control shot. Is it ok for me to get the shot so soon after taking the pill.
A: Birth Control is so wrong. The meaning of sex is to procreate, to create life in a meaningful marriage. Man, this is exactly the reason why I don’t date. I find all kinds of girls in college who have sex and then use Birth Control. People don’t know what love even is anymore.
Is it ok to smoke while on Depo-Provera birth control shot?
Q: I was just wondering cause i really want to smoke and i have cut down to like one a day cause i wasn’t sure what the risks was of smoking while on depo-provera.
A: no, it’s not OKsmoking increases your risk of blood clots (strokes and heart attacks) hormonal birth control contained estrogen does also. If you’re thinking it won’t happen to you:I was 21 when I developed blood clots in my lungs. I never smoked, average weight, just your normal college student. The blood clots were so bad that my left lung was only getting half of the necessary blood flow. I was hospitalized for 3 days, one embolism carries a 30% chance of dying, 25% risk of dying instantly. I had about 20 embolisms. I had an underlying genetic condition.So it’s great that you’ve come this far in kicking your smoking habit, one a day is really good. But, believe me, nicotine withdrawal is nothing compared to the pain and emotional affects of having a near death experience due to blood clots.
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